Lady Gaga流行音樂在臺灣整合行銷傳播策略之研究—以其三張專輯為例

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流行音樂產業受到盜版音樂與網路免費分享的影響,導致產值嚴重下滑,終於在2012年見到一線曙光。主要原因是數位音樂銷售及其他收入來源的上升,彌補實體專輯銷售的損失,產業的收入來源也開始呈現多元化的現象。在市場結構開始變化的時刻,流行歌手Lady Gaga掌握了機會,除了唱片專輯銷售的收益之外,她還將事業版圖擴展到藝人週邊商品、廣告代言、品牌跨業合作等,發揮綜效,開創出成功的商業模式。本研究以Lady Gaga作品在臺灣發展作為研究對象,藉由整合行銷傳播理論分析其成功之道。 研究者首先針對搜集到有關Lady Gaga、流行音樂現況、整合行銷傳播策略應用等資料進行文獻探討,以了解相關理論背景。接著針對Lady Gaga的三張唱片專輯進行文本分析,爬梳其專輯作品意涵。同時擬定半結構式訪談問題,與她所屬環球音樂集團行銷人員、媒體記者、臺灣流行音樂產業人員進行深度訪談,以瞭解其相關實務觀點。最後再輔以文獻,相互印證,以深入瞭解Lady Gaga整合行銷傳播策略的操作方式與其背後的意義。 結果發現,Lady Gaga的專輯作品大致可歸類為三種意涵,分別為「男女的情慾與權力結構」、「捍衛社會邊緣族群」、以及「對名利與媒體的反思」。其整合行銷傳播策略主要為「兼具全球化與全球在地化形象」、「直接與消費者溝通」、「善用新科技」、「鎖定目標消費群眾」等特色,其相關行銷業者藉此創造出Lady Gaga唱片專輯亮眼的銷售數據,同時享有高知名度以及方興未艾的影響力。。研究者最後提出三點建議,包括「建立消費者資料庫概念」、「以品牌方式經營藝人」、「落實綜合成效評估」等。期盼本研究能作為流行音樂產業制定策略時的參考,並對後續相關研究有所貢獻。
Music piracy, the behavior of unauthorized online music sharing, has been devastat-ing the music industry over the past fifteen years. The silver lining of this drastic recession is the growth of digital music market. 2012 witnessed the growth of music industry since 1999, and the main reason for this growth was the sales of digital music and other incomes, which compensated for the loss of physical sales. In other words, the development of digi-tal sales and other incomes has become important sources for the music industry to accu-mulate revenues. Against this backdrop, Lady Gaga - one of the iconic and best-selling singers today - perceives and utilizes the growing digital music market as an opportunity to advance her career by increasing album sales, promoting merchandising, endorsements, and strategic alliances. She runs business synergistically and forms a successful new busi-ness model. The researcher collected relevant data about Lady Gaga, Popular Music Industry, and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in the literature review. Next, The research had done in-depth interviews with Lady Gaga’s marketing team to realize the practices and concepts of the IMC of Lady Gaga. According to the finding, there are three significances behind Lady Gaga’s works: (1) Sexuality, Gender, And Power (2) Supporting Minority Groups (3) Rethinking Fame and Media. There are four characteristics of Lady Gaga’s strategies: (1) Globalized and “Glocalized” Images (2) Direct communication with Consumers (3) Utilizing Technol-ogy (4) Targeting Audiences. Proposing three suggestions (1) Building Consumer Insights (2) Branding The Artist (3) Implementing the Evaluation of Synergy. The research result is expected to be a reference for music industry people, also contributed to relevant reach field.



Lady Gaga, 流行音樂產業, 整合行銷傳播, Lady Gaga, Pop Music, Integrated Marketing Communication





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