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本研究旨探討教育領域博士班的研究訓練形式,以教育領域中分屬人文學科、社會科學和自然科學取向的教育領域系所作為研究對象,分析博士班的修業要求及與研究訓練相關之經驗,以期能對博士班的研究訓練提供建議及參考。 由於國內過去並無針對研究訓練所做的研究,因此本研究採取質性研究取徑進行初探研究,企圖勾勒出博士班研究訓練的整體輪廓。研究者從教育相關科系當中選擇偏向人文學科、社會科學及自然科學的系所進行文件分析和訪談,共計訪談7名教授及14名博士畢業生。 本研究的研究結果分成三個部分。第一部分博士班修業要求,研究發現為:(一)研究所欠缺協助學生完成修業要求之機制; (二)博士生教育缺乏針對特定研究能力的研究訓練; (三)資格考核之目的逐漸轉向以考核學生的獨立研究能力為主; (四)學位論文的研究訓練成果由潛在規則所決定。 第二部分與研究訓練相關經驗,研究發現為: (一)不同取向研究所的學位論文主題與研究案結合的程度具有差異; (二)論文指導的方式受到學生畢業規劃、研究興趣和門生人數所影響; (三)我國研究所集體學習的情況不彰; (四)博士生認為研究訓練應與學位論文或未來學術生涯有關; (五)研究訓練中跨學科合作的情形,社會科學取向較為罕見。 第三部分博士生培育中的困境,研究發現為: (一)我國研究所教育的國際化程度仍待提升; (二)現今年輕博士學者受到職缺減少與學歷貶值的雙重壓力。
The purpose of this study is to explore PhD research training model in the field of education. To analyze the PhD programs and research training experiences, different doctoral programs in the field of Humanities, Social Science and Natural Science are chosen as the subject. Qualitative approach was adopted as the research method and data were collected through document gathering, as well as the interviews of professors and PhD graduates. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. To examine the requirements in the doctoral programs: (1) Doctoral programs is lack of mechanism to help students pass the graduation requirement. (2) Doctoral programs is lack of activities to improve certain research ability of students. (3) Candidacy Exams gradually shift to evaluate the independent research skills of doctoral students. (4) The research training of Dissertation is determined by the underlying rules. 2. To examine the research training experiences of PhD graduates: (1) The level of doctoral Dissertation topics combined with professers’ research program is different in the three field. (2) The way to supervise PhD is influenced by length of time, research insterents and the numbers of supervisee. (3) Group learning is not efficient in graduate education in Taiwan. (4) PhD students considers research training should be related to their dissertation. (5) Cooperation of research training between different departments is rare in the field of social science. 3. To examine the difficulties in PhD education: (1) Lack of international research interaction in graduate education. (2) PhD graduates face declining demands of college faculty and the inflation of PhD value.



研究所教育, 博士教育, 高等教育, 研究訓練, 人才培育, research training, graduate education, doctoral program





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