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臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育學系 衛生教育研究所
本研究目的在探討某護理學院護理學系學生對照顧SARS病人的信念及照顧意願,運用理性行動理論及Bandura的自我效能為研究架構,來預測並解釋研究對象對照顧SARS病人的意願。 採用調查法,以臺北市某護理學院(九十三年)護理系即將畢業的學生為抽樣母群體,採簡單隨機抽構,依學制將學生分為二組,從普通班抽出6個班級、在職班抽出2個班級,共得364份有效樣本。填寫依據理性行動理論及自我效能之引導問卷編制方式篩選出顯著信念和專家麥兖後之問卷,經分析結果如下: 一、未來一年內,照顧SARS病人,有意願者占大部分,其中以被指派至SARS病房工作意願比例最高,其次為配合政府徵調護理人員,再者為自願照顧SARS病人。 二、照顧SARS病人的態度、主觀規範和自我效能,可以有效解釋照顧SARS病人的意願,解釋量達57.7%。其中以自我效能對其影響力最大。 三、照顧SARS病人的態度與行為信念、結果評價的交乘績和,呈顯著正相關。主觀規範與規範信念、依從動機的交成績和,也呈顯著正相關。 四、有/無照顧意願者在行為信、結果評價、規範信念、依從動機、自我效能等信念,均有整體性顯著差異。 本研究結果支持理性行動理論與自我效能的整合應用在護理系學生對照顧SARS病人意願的預測。
The main purposes of this study were to predict and understand the students’ behavioral intention of nurse department for caring SARS patients on the basis of the Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory. By a simple random method, the sample was selected form the nursing students of one Nursing College graduated in 2004. The data were collected from the total number of 364 valid questionnaires. The results of this study were: 1.Most of the subjects positively showed behavioral intention of caring SARS patients. 2.the attitude, subject norms, and self-efficacy could effectively predict the subjects’ behavioral intention of caring SARS patients, and the explanation power of these variables toward the behavioral intention was 57.7%. 3.There were significantly positive correlations between attitude and the product of behavioral beliefs weighted by evaluation of outcome (Bi*Ei), and between subject norms and the product of normative beliefs weighted motivation to comply. 4.There were significant differences among behavioral beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, motivation to comply, and self-efficacy for intenders and non-intenders of caring SARS patients. 5.The results supported the framework of this study.
The main purposes of this study were to predict and understand the students’ behavioral intention of nurse department for caring SARS patients on the basis of the Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory. By a simple random method, the sample was selected form the nursing students of one Nursing College graduated in 2004. The data were collected from the total number of 364 valid questionnaires. The results of this study were: 1.Most of the subjects positively showed behavioral intention of caring SARS patients. 2.the attitude, subject norms, and self-efficacy could effectively predict the subjects’ behavioral intention of caring SARS patients, and the explanation power of these variables toward the behavioral intention was 57.7%. 3.There were significantly positive correlations between attitude and the product of behavioral beliefs weighted by evaluation of outcome (Bi*Ei), and between subject norms and the product of normative beliefs weighted motivation to comply. 4.There were significant differences among behavioral beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, motivation to comply, and self-efficacy for intenders and non-intenders of caring SARS patients. 5.The results supported the framework of this study.