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本研究主要在探討臺灣中部地區國民中學學生對道路交通安全行為表現之情形,從對交通法規的遵行、遵守交通工具使用之安全原則、道路使用行為與應變能力、交通事故之應變能力與基本急救處理等四大層面來探討,其研究目的為:一、瞭解臺灣中部地區國民中學學生在道路交通安全行為表現之現況;二、探究臺灣中部地區國民中學學生個人背景因素、學校因素及道路交通安全行為表現之關係;三、依研究結果提出具體建議,提供交通部門或教育主管部門做為推行交通安全教育及政策之參考。 本研究採用自編問卷進行調查研究,針對臺灣中部地區202所公私立國民中學進行抽樣,共計抽出15所學校,依據學校地點及學校屬性等進行調查研究,共寄發問卷1,575 份,有效問卷1,470份,回收率為93.3%,並將蒐集之資料利用SPSS 10.0版統計軟體進行處理分析,主要運用次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本t考驗分析、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關分析等進行統計分析。 根據研究發現所得到之主要結論為: 一、 臺灣中部地區國民中學學生在上下學交通工具使用方面主要以腳踏車為主,其次為步行,再其次為父母親以私人汽車接送為主。 二、 有一成二的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為學校未曾辦理過交通安全宣導教育。 三、有六成八的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為學校有在實施交通安全宣導活動。 四、有三成三的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為學校有在實施放學路隊管理。 五、有接近五成二的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為學習環境之同儕因素對本身道路交通安全行為表現有負面行為之影響。 六、 有接近四成的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為學習環境之教師因素對本身道路交通安全行為表現有正面影響。 七、有接近二成的臺灣中部地區國民中學學生認為偶像團體對本身道路交通安全行為表現有正面影響作用。 八、不同的個人背景因素(性別、年級、居住地點、上下學交通工具、家庭社經地位、偶像崇拜)對整體道路交通安全行為表現上有顯著差異。 九、不同的學校因素(學校規模、交通安全教育之放學管理方式)對整體道路交通安全行為表現上無顯著差異。 十、不同的學校因素(學校屬性、學校地點、交通安全教育之宣導頻率、交通安全教育之宣導方式、交通安全教育之宣導活動、上學時間、放學時間、學習環境之教師因素、學習環境之同儕因素)對整體道路交通安全行為表現上有顯著差異。 最後,綜合本研究所獲得的研究發現及結論,提出對道路交通相關單位、教育人員、國中學生以及對後續研究之建議。
The purposes of this study were to survey the road traffic safety behavior of junior high school students in central Taiwan. The road traffic behavior was examined through the following four aspects: 1) obeying the traffic rules; 2) following the safety rules of using vehicles; 3) road behavior and adaptability; 4) adaptability and basic first aid treatment to traffic accidents. The goal of this study is to: 1) investigate the current road traffic behavior of junior high school students in central Taiwan; 2) examine the relationship between students’ traffic behavior and their individual backgrounds and school factors; 3) provide suggestions of improving the road traffic environment and reinforcing the road traffic safety education to relative authorities. The probe tool for this research is “The Questionnaire on the Road Traffic Safety Behavior among Junior High School Students”. There were 15 out of the 202 junior high schools in central Taiwan selected as samples according to their location and size. Total of 1,470 effective questionnaires (93.3%) were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, t-tests and one-way ANOVA. From the analysis of the survey results, the conclusions were as follows: 1. The primary vehicle used by subjects for transportation to school was bicycle, the secondary by foot, and the third in parents’ cars. 2. About 12% of the subjects thought that their school did not have traffic education promotions. 3. About 68% of the subjects thought that there were traffic education promotions at their schools. 4. About 33% of the subjects thought that schools conducted traffic management for students’ orders of leaving school for home. 5. About 52% of the subjects thought that the peer groups of their learning environment had negative effect on their road traffic behavior. 6. About 40% of the subjects thought that teachers of their learning environment had positive effect on their road traffic behavior. 7. About 20% students thought that their idol groups had positive effect on their road traffic behavior. 8. Personal variables of gender, school grade, living location, vehicles used to school, social status and idolatry had significant effect on subjects’ road traffic behavior. 9. Variables of school size and management of students’ behavior to home had no significant effect on their road traffic behavior. 10. Variables of school properties, school location, frequency and way of traffic education promotions, traffic education promotions, time of students going to school, time of students leaving school for home and teachers and peers of students’ learning environment had significant effect on their road traffic behavior. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher made some concrete suggestion for the relative traffic educators, junior high schools and government offices as well as directions for the further studies.



臺灣中部地區, 國民中學學生, 道路交通安全, 道路交通安全行為表現, central Taiwan, junior high school students, road traffic safety, road traffic safety behavior.





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