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中 文 摘 要 本研究主要在探討台灣有價證券印製人員工作滿足感的情形,其主要目的在瞭解有價證券印製人員在工作環境知覺、內外控人格特質與工作滿足之間的差異或關聯性。本研究採問卷調查方式,針對台灣六大有價證券印製公司的印製人員採普查方式調查。經調查所得資料而予以分析,得到重要的發現如下: 一、 在人口統計變項方面: 1.男性在人際關係及制度公平性這兩層面,其滿足感優於女性。 2.在年齡方面,36歲至45歲間的有價證券印製人員,在人際關係上的滿足感大於26歲至35歲間的人員。 3.已婚及未婚的有價證券印製人員,在工作夥伴及工作本身兩層面的滿足感皆大於另外一組。 4.月收入在新台幣50001元~70000元的有價證券印製人員,其人際關係的滿足感大於月收入在新台幣20001元~30000元的人員。 5.整體的工作環境知覺其滿足感,以印前部門的人員滿足程度最高。 6.至於教育程度及服務年資在各層面,皆未呈顯著的差異。 二、內控型的人格特質其人際關係的滿足感比外控型的人格特質來得高。 三、在「工作環境知覺」與「工作滿足感」各層面之間的關聯性,皆呈顯著的正相關。
Abstract This study investigated the job satisfaction of employee of security printing through questionnaire survey. The main purpose is to understand the difference and relationship between work environment perception、personality traits and job satisfaction of the employee. The range of this research includes 6 security printing companies in Taiwan. According to the data analysis, the results indicate as follows: 1.On demography: (1) On the interpersonal relationship and bureaucracy equity, men are more satisfied than women. (2) In the respect of age, the group of age within 36-45 years old has greater satisfaction on interpersonal relationship than the group of age within 26-35 years old. (3) In different marital situations, the group “married” and “unmarried” has greater satisfaction than “other” group on working partners and occupation itself. (4) In different incomes, there is a significant difference in the direction of“interpersonal relationship.” The satisfaction for the group of “NT$50001-NT$70000” is greater than that for the group of “NT$20001-NT$30000.” (5) In different departments, the pre-press has best satisfactions than “others” group on work environment perception. (6) As for the educational levels and working histories in every direction, there is no significant difference. 2.The personality traits of introverted control has greater satisfaction on interpersonal relationship than personality traits of extroverted control. 3.There is a significant positive correlation between working environment perception and job satisfaction in every direction.



有價證券, 工作環境知覺, 工作滿足感, 人格特質, security, work environment perception, job satisfaction, personality traits





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