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本研究預計再以二年時間,進行宜蘭縣民眾參與海岸環境的保育及管理之探討,各 年度研究重點摘要如下: (1)第一年將進行民眾參與海岸環境保育管理的內容分析、制度分析及承載量分 析:經由報紙資料庫搜尋與宜蘭縣海岸環境相關之報導,並以內容分析法進行 分析,以瞭解當地海岸環境相關議題之變化歷程,之後將統整分析海岸環境相 關法規之規定及其對當地居民之影響,且應用制度分析法以瞭解民眾參與海岸 環境保育管理之機會與挑戰,最後則探討社區參與海岸環境保育管理在社經及 生態面向之承載量。 (2)第二年將探討民眾參與海岸環境保育管理的策略規劃:應用模糊德爾菲法專家 問卷方式,研擬海岸環境永續發展指標,再以以層級分析法進行指標的權重計 算,找出海岸環境保育管理的最重要因素,並據此研擬民眾參與海岸環境保育 管理的策略規劃。
This research would be conducted for more two years in order to study public participation in conservation and management of coast environment in the I-Lan County. The research points for each year are as following: (1) The first year we would conduct the content analysis, institutional analysis, and carrying capacity analysis for public participation in conservation and management of coastal environment. Through newspaper data set that related to coastal environment in I-Lan County, we try to understand the change processes of environmental issues by the content analysis. Therefore, we will analyze acts and regulations of coastal environment, and study their effects on local residents. In addition, we will apply institutional analysis to understand the opportunities and challenges for public participation in conservation and management of coastal environment. Finally, we will study the socio-economic and ecologic carrying capacity. (2) The second year we would study the strategic planning for public participation in conservation and management of coastal environment. Through the Fuzzy Delphi Method of expert questionnaire, we will provide sustainable development indicators of coastal environment. Therefore, we will apply Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate the indicator weighting in order to find the important factors for conservation and management of coastal environment. Finally, based on the important indicators, we will provide some strategies for public participation in conservation and management of coastal environment.







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