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1960年代的美國戰後嬰兒潮青年開啟了人權議題的重要篇章,嚮往追求民主和平的理想世界。從女權、同志示威、反戰,到個人主義和社會改造,嬉皮士(Hippies)文化運動開創了探索心靈烏托邦的多樣創作,深刻影響了藝術、設計和音樂等領域。創作者透過反常規的表現技巧,捕捉觀者目光、強化視覺體驗,在LSD迷幻藥物作用下創造嶄新風格影響至今,足見迷幻藝術的魅力所在,值得深度剖析。當代海報的趨勢影響下,視覺語彙需兼顧時代性、注視性、記憶性、造形性等多面向功能,方能輔以擴充海報的現況格局、創造新生價值。本研究者針對六○年代的迷幻風格作品,探討其圖形意象、設計手法、色彩分析,經由國際海報競賽的人權作品中,探討其設計的元素符號、創作手法及色彩應用。透過案例分析法將六○年代迷幻藝術100件代表性海報之表現形式作為分類基準,結果顯示前三名依序為變形扭曲文字48%、強烈對比飽和色調37%、背景融入圖像文字25%。於第二階段,彙整2013至2022年國際競賽人權海報22件之形式分析,前三名依序為人和身體部位占比77%、多義圖形46.2%、黑白單色調45%,上述結論彙整於後續進行創作,以行政院2022年通過的「國家人權行動計畫」,分別為「強化人權保障體制」、「人權教育」、「平等與不歧視」、「生命權保障」、「居住正義」、「氣候變遷與人權」、「數位人權」、「難民權利保障」等八大議題,分別創作二款,共計十六件海報。研究結果顯示迷幻風格手法有助於增強人權議題海報的敘事性和視覺效果。透過對比色調產生的振動色彩 ( vibrating colors ) 與混合元素填充空間,使閱讀增加難度反而延長了觀者停留的時間;背景與圖像反轉有效地精簡資訊內容,創造和諧統一的畫面,賦予更大的想像空間。總體而言,本研究旨在延續迷幻風格的精神,創作出符合當代趨勢的視覺海報。
In the 1960s, the post-war baby boom generation in the United States opened a significant chapter in human rights issues, aspiring towards an ideal world of democracy and peace. The hippie cultural movement, with its focus on women's rights, LGBTQ+ protests, anti-war sentiments, individualism, and social reform, profoundly influenced art, design, and music. Through unconventional expression techniques and the use of psychedelic substances like LSD, this movement created a novel artistic style that continues to influence today, highlighting the unique appeal of psychedelic art. This study aims to explore the graphic imagery, design techniques, and color analysis of 1960s psychedelic style works. By examining human rights posters from international design competitions, the study investigates the design elements, symbolism, and color applications used. Through case analysis, 100 representative psychedelic posters from the 1960s were categorized, revealing that the top three characteristics were distorted text ( 48% ), strong contrast and saturated colors ( 37% ), and background integration of imagery and text ( 25% ). In the second phase, the study analyzed 22 human rights posters from international competitions between 2013 and 2022, finding that the top three features were the inclusion of human figures and body parts ( 77% ), ambiguous graphics ( 46.2% ), and black-and-white monochrome tones ( 45% ). Based on the"National Human Rights Action Plan" passed by the Executive Yuan in 2022, which includes topics like strengthening human rights protection, human rights education, equality and non-discrimination, protection of life rights, housing justice, climate change and human rights, digital rights, and refugee rights, the study created 16 posters. The results indicate that the use of psychedelic style techniques enhances the narrative and visual impact of human rights posters. Vibrating colors from contrasting tones and mixed elements that fill space can make reading more challenging, thereby increasing viewer engagement time. Reversing background and imagery effectively simplifies information content, creating a harmonious and unified visual effect with greater imaginative potential. Overall, this study aims to continue the spirit of psychedelic style and create visually relevant posters in line with contemporary trends.
In the 1960s, the post-war baby boom generation in the United States opened a significant chapter in human rights issues, aspiring towards an ideal world of democracy and peace. The hippie cultural movement, with its focus on women's rights, LGBTQ+ protests, anti-war sentiments, individualism, and social reform, profoundly influenced art, design, and music. Through unconventional expression techniques and the use of psychedelic substances like LSD, this movement created a novel artistic style that continues to influence today, highlighting the unique appeal of psychedelic art. This study aims to explore the graphic imagery, design techniques, and color analysis of 1960s psychedelic style works. By examining human rights posters from international design competitions, the study investigates the design elements, symbolism, and color applications used. Through case analysis, 100 representative psychedelic posters from the 1960s were categorized, revealing that the top three characteristics were distorted text ( 48% ), strong contrast and saturated colors ( 37% ), and background integration of imagery and text ( 25% ). In the second phase, the study analyzed 22 human rights posters from international competitions between 2013 and 2022, finding that the top three features were the inclusion of human figures and body parts ( 77% ), ambiguous graphics ( 46.2% ), and black-and-white monochrome tones ( 45% ). Based on the"National Human Rights Action Plan" passed by the Executive Yuan in 2022, which includes topics like strengthening human rights protection, human rights education, equality and non-discrimination, protection of life rights, housing justice, climate change and human rights, digital rights, and refugee rights, the study created 16 posters. The results indicate that the use of psychedelic style techniques enhances the narrative and visual impact of human rights posters. Vibrating colors from contrasting tones and mixed elements that fill space can make reading more challenging, thereby increasing viewer engagement time. Reversing background and imagery effectively simplifies information content, creating a harmonious and unified visual effect with greater imaginative potential. Overall, this study aims to continue the spirit of psychedelic style and create visually relevant posters in line with contemporary trends.
人權議題, 迷幻藝術, 振動色彩, 嬉皮士, Human rights issues, psychedelic art, vibrating colors, Hippies