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Mon-Yen Luo
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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
面對外在全球化的高度競爭,與對內高等教育的快速擴張,高等教育品質保證成為近年來備受各方關注的議題。目前雖有相當多關於教育品質內涵、品質保證制度、品質評鑑指標等相關文獻,然而如何能夠有效落實相關機制的研究卻尚不多見。全面落實教育品質管理需要許多人、組織層級的配合,而這也是教育品質管理機制能否成功的重要因素。本研究旨在探討如何以教育品質為核心理念來設計一個整合式支援資訊系統,本研究以行動研究的方法,實際支援某幾所大專院校的教學卓越計畫之實施,嘗試以學理依據來引導實務工作的變革與改進,規劃與施行時間超過4 年,並經由衡量教學卓越成效的問卷來驗證系統實施的成效。本研究主要的結論為:經由全面教育品質管理與成果導向理論的結合,可以發展出一個整合資訊系統的脈絡與架構,得以引領許多原本各自獨立的系統能夠整合,且有效地提升教學品質。由於近年來各大專院校均致力於建置相關資訊系統,本研究可以增進資訊系統工作者對於教育實務工作的理解,本研究的經驗與結果也可作為規劃相關資訊系統的參考,另外也提出許多創新議題值得教育研究者進一步探索。
Under the severe competition of globalization and the rapid expansion of higher education institutions, educational quality has become an important research issue. Although the studies have been conducted extensively on the content of educational quality, mechanism design, and educational quality indicators, little attention has been paid to the deployment of educational quality management and support of information system. In this study, we discuss the design, implementation, enforcement, and initial results of an integrated information system designed around the concept and theories of educational quality. The proposed system has been deployed in a university for four years. Some conclusions of this study are explored. Based on the the theory of educational quality and outcome-based education, we can design a framework to guide the design and integration of information systems related to teaching and learning. The initial results indicate that such a system can improve educational quality. This study can serve as a reference design for educational institutions that want to build information systems related to teaching, learning, and educational quality assurance.
Under the severe competition of globalization and the rapid expansion of higher education institutions, educational quality has become an important research issue. Although the studies have been conducted extensively on the content of educational quality, mechanism design, and educational quality indicators, little attention has been paid to the deployment of educational quality management and support of information system. In this study, we discuss the design, implementation, enforcement, and initial results of an integrated information system designed around the concept and theories of educational quality. The proposed system has been deployed in a university for four years. Some conclusions of this study are explored. Based on the the theory of educational quality and outcome-based education, we can design a framework to guide the design and integration of information systems related to teaching and learning. The initial results indicate that such a system can improve educational quality. This study can serve as a reference design for educational institutions that want to build information systems related to teaching, learning, and educational quality assurance.