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近年來,國際金融演進有了很明顯的變化,其中最明顯的趨勢在於各種金融業間的區隔及差異日漸模糊化。過去保險、銀行與證券間業務壁壘分明的藩籬已逐漸被撤除,取而代之的是金融業間跨業經營。也因為如此,證券業務員也面臨較以往更高的工作壓力,然而面對壓力,員工是否可以得到主管的支持或是靠著學習來提高工作績效呢? 本研究以C證券公司所有實際負責證券交易之業務員為調查的對象,探討證券業務員自我導向學習傾向、主管支持與工作績效之間的關,實際發放出去的問卷共379份,回收250份(回收率65%),有效問卷246份(有效回收率64%)。 資料經信度分析、描述性統計分析、差異分析、相關分析及線性迴歸分析後,得到以下結果: 一、證券業務員的婚姻狀況在自我導向學習傾向有顯著差異;證券業務員的婚姻狀況及年齡對工作績效上顯著差異。 二、證券業務員自我導向學習傾向愈高工作績效愈高。 三、證券業務員知覺主管支持對自我導向學習傾向具顯著正向影響。 四、證券業務員知覺主管支持對工作績效有顯著之正向影響力。 五、證券業務員知覺主管支持對於自我導向學習傾向及工作績效兩者間,具有部份中介效果。 最後提出具體建議供企業界或後續研究者參考。
In recent years, the evolution of the international finance had been changed apparently, the most significant change was vague gradually within many segments and difference of financial services industry. The barriers within banking, securities division and stock business had gradually been removed, and replaced by the inter-industries of financial sector. Therefore, securities salesmen were facing much pressure than before. However, whether the staff could acquire the support from supervisory or learning to improve their performance? In this study, the samples were sales that were responsible for all practical transaction in the C securities company. It was to explore the relationship with the self-directed learning readiness of securities salesman, supervisors’ support and job performance. The questionnaires were sent out 379 copies in total. There were 250 of respondents (65% of return rate). The 246 out of 250 respondents were valid questionnaires (64% of valid response rate). According to reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and Linear regression analysis of data collection, given the following findings: 1.The marital status of the securities salesman had significant difference on the self-directed learning readiness; the marital status and age of securities salesman had significant difference on performance. 2.The more self-directed learning readiness of securities salesman had the higher performance they could achieve. 3.The significant positive of the self-directed learning readiness resulted from the supervisors’ support. 4.The perceived of supervisors’ support had positive influence that affected securities salesman’s performance. 5.The perceived of supervisors’ support had intermediate influence between the self-directed learning readiness and job performance. Finally, this study offered recommendations and reference for further research.



證券業務員, 自我導向學習傾向, 主管支持, 工作績效, securities salesman, self-directed learning readiness, supervisors’ support, job performance





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