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一、有規律瑜珈運動者在「BMI」、「柔軟度」、「走路測驗」等表現顯著優於無規律運動者(p< .05);兩組受試者「腰臀圍比」無顯著差異。
二、有規律瑜珈運動者疲勞程度顯著低於無規律運動者(p < .05)。
三、有規律瑜珈運動者生活壓力顯著低於無規律運動者(p < .05)。
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to compare the differences in physical fitness (PF), fatigue level (FL) and life stress (LS) between the regular-yoga and non-regular exercise middle-age women; the correlations among PF, FL and LS were also investigated. There were 30 middle women (age between 40-55) who had been practiced yoga for at least 6 months, at least 3 days per week and 64 non-regular women in Taipei Metropolitan area were recruited as the subjects. All the subjects (94) were married and asked to receive the flexibility, six-minute-walk, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist/hip ratio measurements, and to fill out the questionnaires of the Chinese version of Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) and life stress. The collected data were analyzed with independent t-test, Pearson product moment correlation analysis and the results were as followed: 1.The BMI, flexibility, and 6-minute walk of regular-yoga women were significantly better than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 2.The regular-yoga women had significantly lower FL than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 3. The regular-yoga women had significantly lower LS than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 4. The FL of regular-yoga women was positively correlated to LS; and the FL of non-regular exercise women was negatively correlated to 6-minute walk and positively correlated to their LS. Middle-aged women with regular yoga exercise have better physical fitness, lower fatigue level andlife stress. Key words: yoga exercise, fatigue level, physical fitness, life stress
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to compare the differences in physical fitness (PF), fatigue level (FL) and life stress (LS) between the regular-yoga and non-regular exercise middle-age women; the correlations among PF, FL and LS were also investigated. There were 30 middle women (age between 40-55) who had been practiced yoga for at least 6 months, at least 3 days per week and 64 non-regular women in Taipei Metropolitan area were recruited as the subjects. All the subjects (94) were married and asked to receive the flexibility, six-minute-walk, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist/hip ratio measurements, and to fill out the questionnaires of the Chinese version of Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) and life stress. The collected data were analyzed with independent t-test, Pearson product moment correlation analysis and the results were as followed: 1.The BMI, flexibility, and 6-minute walk of regular-yoga women were significantly better than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 2.The regular-yoga women had significantly lower FL than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 3. The regular-yoga women had significantly lower LS than that of non-regular exercise women (p<0.05). 4. The FL of regular-yoga women was positively correlated to LS; and the FL of non-regular exercise women was negatively correlated to 6-minute walk and positively correlated to their LS. Middle-aged women with regular yoga exercise have better physical fitness, lower fatigue level andlife stress. Key words: yoga exercise, fatigue level, physical fitness, life stress
瑜珈運動, 疲勞程度, 體適能, 生活壓力, yoga exercise, fatigue level, physical fitness, life stress