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本研究旨在探討助人工作者之不同成人依附風格、個體化與同理心三者之間的關係,並針對:(1)「不同成人依附風格之助人工作者在個體化之差異情形」、(2)「不同成人依附風格之助人工作者在同理心之差異情形」、(3)「助人工作者其同理心與個體化之間的關連情形」進行檢驗。 本研究以財團法人「張老師」基金會台北、桃園、台中、高雄等四分事務所之261名義務張老師為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。研究工具包括「人際反應量表」、「關係體驗量表」與「個體化量表」等三部分。所得資料以群聚分析、單因子變異數分析、典型相關等統計方法進行處理分析,並得下列結果: 1.不同成人依附風格之助人工作者在「情緒獨立」、「衝突獨立」、「人我分化」三方面之得分上具有顯著差異,且安全依附風格之助人工作者在「衝突獨立」、「人我分化」二方面之得分皆高於焦慮矛盾依附、逃避依附組,在「情緒獨立」方面之得分高於焦慮矛盾依附組。此外,逃避依附風格之助人工作者在「情緒獨立」、「人我分化」兩方面之得分高於焦慮矛盾依附組。 2.不同成人依附風格之助人工作者在「同情關懷」、「身心憂急」、「幻想融入」、「觀點取替」四方面之得分上具有顯著差異,且焦慮矛盾依附風格之助人工作者在「同情關懷」、「身心憂急」、「幻想融入」三方面之得分高於逃避依附組,在「身心憂急」方面之得分高於安全依附組,在「觀點取替」方面則與安全依附及逃避依附組未達到顯著差異。 3.助人工作者其同理心與個體化之間有相關存在,從典型相關分析結果中可知,助人工作者的「身心憂急」程度越高時,其「人我分化」的傾向也就越低。助人工作者的「觀點取替」與「同情關懷」程度越高時,其「衝突獨立」的傾向也就越高。 關鍵字:助人工作者、成人依附風格、個體化、同理心
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among adult attachment style, individuation, and empathy of volunteer helpers. And to test:(1)the difference of different adult attachment style of volunteer helpers on individuation, (2)the difference of different adult attachment style of volunteer helpers on empathy, (3)the relationship between individuation and empathy of volunteer helpers. The object of the study was 261 volunteer helpers of the Taipei, Taoyuan, TaiChung, and Kaohsiung Agency of the Teacher Chang Foundation. The instruments used in this study included:Interpersonal Reactivity Index, Experiences in Close Relationships, and Individuation Scales. The data was collected by questionnaire and analyzed with cluster analysis, ANOVA, and canonical correlation. The results of the study are as follows: (1)There was significant difference of different adult attachment style of volunteer helpers on emotional independence, conflictual independence, and self-other differentiation. The scale of conflictual independence and self-other differentiation for secure attachment style of volunteer helpers was higher than the score for anxious-ambivalent attachment style and avoidant attachment style. And the scale of emotional independence forsecure attachment style of volunteer helpers was higher than the score for anxious-ambivalent attachment style. In addition, the scale of emotional independence and self-other differentiation for avoidant attachment style of volunteer helpers was higher than the score for anxious-ambivalent attachment style. (2)There was significant difference of different adult attachment style of volunteer helpers on empathic concern, personal distress, fantasy, and perspective taking. The scale of empathic concern, personal distress, and fantasy for anxious-ambivalent attachment style of volunteer helpers was higher than the score for avoidant attachment style. In addition, the scale of personal distress for anxious-ambivalent attachment style of volunteer helpers was higher than the score for secure attachment style. And there was not significant difference of different adult attachment style of volunteer helpers on perspective taking. (3)There existed relationship between empathy and individuation for volunteer helpers. According to the result of the canonical correlation, we know the higher personal distress’ tendency was, the lower self-other differentiation's tendency was. And the higher perspective taking and empathic concern’s tendency was, the higher conflictual independence's tendency was. Key Words: volunteer helpers, adult attachment style, individuation, empathy



助人工作者, 成人依附風格, 個體化, 同理心, volunteer helpers, adult attachment style, individuation, empathy





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