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《小婦人》為美國經典文學,原書於1868年出版後,受到廣大迴響,之後陸續推出後續三部。儘管已過兩世紀,作品依舊歷久不衰,各國皆翻拍影視作品,受到不同時代受眾的歡迎。《小婦人》最早中譯本出自1932年鄭曉滄之手,隨後在兩岸陸續有中譯本推出。論及《小婦人》相關研究,可見於教育、宗教、哲學、性別研究等領域,但英譯中的翻譯研究仍付之闕如,故本論文試圖填補缺口,希冀未來有更多《小婦人》翻譯研究。本論文擬探討三中譯本1933年再版鄭曉滄譯本、1993年楊玉娘譯本與2019年張琰譯本,從文化翻譯角度出發,以韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)文化身份、雷飛維(André Lefevere)操縱理論、惹內(Gérard Genette)附文本探討譯者面對文化詞所採取的歸化與異化策略、譯者受到贊助人、詩學與意識形態之影響,以及透過譯注等附文本,補充、解釋翻譯策略,進而觀察出,從宗教、譬喻詞來說,鄭本偏向採取歸化,楊、張本傾向異化,並藉由譯注補充原文資訊與說明文化詞來爬梳譯者之歸化與異化翻譯策略。
Little Women is one of the great American classical novels. It was first published in 1868 and quickly gained popularity among readers of all ages. With its fame, the writer Louisa May Alcott published three sequels in the following years. Even though two centuries have passed, Little Women is still prominent in literary world. The first Little Women Chinese translated work was by the celebrated educator Zheng Xiaocang in 1932, followed by other translators’ versions in Mandarin-speaking world over the years. Speaking of Little Women research, fruitful works can be seen in the field of education, philosophy, and gender studies. However, little ink has been spilled on translation studies. This thesis embarks on a systematic research of Little Women in translation studies and the researcher is welcome to see more research in the near future.This thesis explores three Chinese translated versions of Little Women: Zheng’s republication in 1933, Yang’s in 1993, and Zhang’s in 2019. From the perspective of cultural translation, this study adopts ideology, poetics, and the translation strategies proposed by André Lefevere’s manipulation theory, Lawrence Venuti’s cultural identity and Gérard Genette’s paratexts to examine three translators’ translation strategies, the influence of their patrons, poetics and ideology, and the use of footnotes for supplementing information or explaining their translating considerations. By observation, when it comes to religion- or culture-related expressions, Zheng is inclined to adopt domestication, while Yang and Zhang, foreignization. Translators’ footnotes are also discussed in this study.



小婦人, 歸化與異化, 附文本, 文化翻譯, 經典文學中譯, Little Women, domestication and foreignization, paratext, cultural translation, translating classical novels into Chinese





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