
dc.description.abstract面對龐大多元的網路資源,僅依賴關鍵字搜尋,就有如大海撈針,十分不易; 同時,由於現行搜尋引擎多提供一般性的搜尋結果,並未針對使用者個人需求提 供服務,不僅無法滿足多元的查詢需求,加上動輒數千萬筆的檢索結果,經常造 成使用者過濾資訊的負擔;此外,由於使用者個人的時間與心力有限,實無法時 刻上網查詢所需的新資訊。網路使用者在此資訊超載的環境中,如何避免被資訊 洪流所淹没,同時又能積極掌握新知,亟需發展更有效的資訊搜尋及傳遞機制。 相較傳統搜尋引擎的被動、短期、一般化缺失,具備主動、長期、及個人化特色 的網路資訊選粹服務是一可行途徑。這類以分眾或個人資訊需求為主、容許使用 者隨選訂閱、並主動提供過濾資訊的資訊傳遞服務模式,對降低資訊超載及掌握 新知具有不少助益。 網路資訊選粹服務所提供的不僅是一種資訊傳遞方式,其也促發了另一種使 用者與資訊的互動經驗,與傳統資訊搜尋經驗有相當不同。本研究希望以兩年時 間就網路資訊選粹服務及其使用者遊歷行為進行分析探討。第一年將收集分析網 路資訊選粹服務之相關應用及實施大量的使用者問卷調查,以分析比較各類網路 資訊選粹服務之類型、特性及優缺,並瞭解目前網路使用者對相關服務的需求及 使用情形。第二年則以第一年調查結果為基礎,以目前最為普遍的RSS 網路資 訊選粹服務為範疇,進行小型實證研究,分析探討RSS 使用者之遊歷行為特性, 包括分析使用者在遊歷過程中,所表現出的認知、詮釋、瀏覽、及策略形成等行 為,並將進一步探討不同遊歷類型使用者之外在遊歷行為特徵,及嘗試提出網路 資訊選粹服務之遊歷行為概念模式。研究結果對於發展或提升網路資訊選粹服務 效益之相關應用及研究,皆有相當參考價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSearching on the web is like finding needles in a haystack. Current search engines normally provide only search results for general purposes rather than delivering information tailored to individual needs. Meantime, most users often felt overloaded by the overabundance of search results. Further, it is also not easy to check new information continuously if users’ time and effort are not allowed. There is a demand for a more effective mechanism to search and deliver information on the web. In such, users are able to handle the overabundance of information, and catch up with new information at the same time. Selective Dissemination of Web Information (SDWI) service has the merits of active, long-term, and personalized, which serves an alternative to the passive, short-term, and general search engine. Such information delivery service focuses on particular groups of users or individuals, encourages free subscriptions of various resources, and provides filtered information. From the service, users may benefit from reducing the information overload and obtain new information tailored to their personal needs. SDWI provides a new way of human information interaction different from traditional search experience. The purpose of this two-year study is to establish a basic understanding of web users’ usage and navigation behavior of SDWI. In the first year, a survey of SDWI and a large scale online questionnaire will be conducted. Major items for the survey and questionnaire may include types and models of SDWI, and users’ needs and subscriptions of such services. In the second year, a small empirical study will be conducted focusing on RSS navigation behavior. Navigation log analysis and interviews will be used to understand users’ cognitive state, interpretation, browsing, and strategy of their navigation process. Further analysis of users’ typology based on their navigation characteristics will be provided as well. The study results will greatly benefit the research and applications interested in developing or enhancing SDWI.en_US
dc.subject.otherSelective Dissemination of Web Information Serviceen_US
dc.subject.otherRSS (Really Simple Syndication)en_US
dc.subject.otherWeb Navigation Behavioren_US
dc.subject.otherWeb User Studiesen_US
dc.titleA Study of Users' Navigation Behaviors on the Selective Dissemination of Web Information Servicesen_US

