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近年我國高等教育面臨少子化困境,全球產業競爭及滿足社會產業需求等嚴峻挑戰,而我國技術與職業教育又長期為次等教育之選擇,面臨困難更不可言喻。是以,為轉化大學財務及經營的困難,創新知識應用,並提升科技大學與產業的聯結,彰顯技術與職業教育務實致用之核心價值,我國教育部以高教創新轉型之經營理念,促進學校辦學特色,鼓勵大學辦理衍生企業。本研究主要以我國科技大學辦理衍生企業為基礎,探討辦理衍生企業之科技大學該具備何基礎條件,而衍生企業又將為科技大學帶來哪些影響與挑戰。首先瞭解我國大學衍生企業概念之源流;進而探討美國、中國大陸辦理衍生企業的運作模式及影響;再者分析國內大學欲創新創業之環境與相關法源規範;最後透過研究資料與相關文獻之分析,歸納我國科技大學欲辦理衍生企業之條件內涵,及其面臨之挑戰與影響。 本研究為質性研究,以訪談方法及文件分析方法,訪談6位熟捻我國科技大學辦理衍生企業議題之專家學者,探討本研究之目的。根據研究結果,獲得以下結論: ㄧ、我國科技大學欲辦理衍生企業之條件,校園內還需營造創新創業氛圍,建立學校內部組織管理系統,瞭解學校自身資源與發展能量,並尋求外部產業支持,提供學校辦理衍生企業友善的創業環境。 二、辦理衍生企業則為我國科技大學,首先帶來教育定位的衝突及學校經營整合之困境,並影響學校師生的發展與學校資源分配的困難,另而造成學校外部環境的群集效應。 最後根據上述研究結論,提出相關建議,供主管機關及未來後續研究之參考。
Nowadays higher education in Taiwan is facing the following three severe challenges: (1) The impact of low birth rate; (2) Global industrial competition; (3) The responsibility to satisfy the need of all industries. For years, technology and vocational education is the second choice of higher education. This challenge is beyond words. Therefore, based on the idea of innovation and transformation of higher education, Taiwan Ministry of Education encourages universities to create school-wide unique features and establish spin-off companies so as to solve the problem of finances and management, creatively apply knowledge to the workplace, increase the connection between universities of science and technology and industry, and emphasize the core value application that university of science and technology holds. This study explores the general conditions university of science and technology should have while, establishing spin-off companies as well as its impacts and challenges. First of all, this study reviews the history of Taiwan university spin-off companies. Secondly, it reviews the operation and influence of USA and China spin-off companies. Third, it analyzes the entrepreneur environment and relevant law. Lastly, through the analysis of data and relevant research, it summarizes the conditions, challenges, and impacts of spin-off companies of university of science and technology. This qualitative study conducts interviews and document analysis. During the one-on-one interviews, six experts were invited to discuss the conditions and challenges of university of science and technology’s spin-off companies. Through thorough analysis, this study generates two conclusions: 1. To support spin-off companies, university of science and technology needs to create innovative atmosphere, to establish the management system of school internal organization, to examine internal resources and developmental potential, and to find external industrial support to help provide itself with friendly entrepreneur environment. 2. University of science and technology faces both internal and external challenges. The former are the conflict of different values, the difficulty of management, the impacts on professors and students, and the issue of resource distribution. The latter is the possibility of cluster effect around the school itself. Based on the conclusions that mentioned above, this study provides Ministry of Education and future researchers with relevant suggestions.



高等教育, 技術與職業教育, 科技大學, 衍生企業, Higher Education, Technology and vocational education, University of Science and Technology, University spin-off companies





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