
dc.contributorChing-Min Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorFang-Ling Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討目前特殊教育學校高職部校外職場實習的實施現況,並從實習職場雇主的滿意度及其對智能障礙學生一般就業技能之必要程度作了解與探究。本研究以普查的方式針對99學年度國立特殊教育學校高職部之校外實習職場的雇主進行問卷調查,獲得有效問卷86份(80%),並以描述性統計、差異性分析,比較分析研究之結果,獲致之結論為: 一、特殊教育學校校外職場實習,目前以高三上學期、每周實習兩天、每次實習6小時以上未滿8小時,且學校教師為主要指導者,學校會提供學生職場適應之輔導但不會舉行雇主座談會,為主要的實習方式。 二、以下背景特質的雇主:女性、未滿30歲、大學學歷、外商公司、職稱為經理、嘉義(含)以南地區、工業類、101人至200人的公司、及指導兩年以上未滿三年的雇主對智能障礙學生校外職場實習表現的滿意度較高。 三、以下背景特質的雇主:女性、30歲以上未滿40歲、大學學歷、政府行政機關、職稱為經理、新竹(含)以北與花東地區、商業類、51至100人的公司、及指導六個月以上未滿一年的雇主對智能障礙學生就業所需之一般技能表示較高必要程度。 四、以下職場實習方式:高三上學期開始、每周實習一天、每次實習2小時以上未滿4小時、16人以上實習、主要指導者為職業輔導員、及學校沒有舉辦雇主座談會的實習方式,雇主對智能障礙學生校外職場實習表現的滿意度較高。 五、以下職場實習方式:高二上學期開始、每次實習未滿2小時、6至10人與16人以上實習、主要指導者為其他人員、及學校沒有舉辦雇主座談會的實習方式,雇主對智能障礙學生就業所需之一般技能表示較高必要程度。 根據上述研究結果,針對學校單位、行政主管機關、及未來研究等方面提出建議,以供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to explore the current state of field practice in special vocational schools, and employers’ satisfaction in the field practice and skills required for employment of students with intellectual disability. A total of 86 employers from field practice of special vocational schools in 2010 participated in this study. A questionnaire was designed by the researcher to reach the study purpose. Based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, the findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The following field practice training ways: training during third year on the semester, two days a week, each practice less than 8 hours over 6 hours, school teachers as the main instructor, and school provide the students counseling without holding an employers’ forum, are the main ways of current field practice in special vocational schools. 2. Employers with the following characteristics: women, under 30 years old, college educated, foreign company, the title of manager, Chiayi (inclusive) south of the region, industry type, companies with 101 to 200 employees, and guiding students with intellectual disability less than three years over two years, are showing higher satisfaction to students’ practice performance. 3. Employers in the following characteristics: women, under 40 years old over 30 years old, college educated, government administration, the title of manager, Hsinchu (including) the north and the Hualien-Taitung area, business type, companies with 51 to 100 employees, and guiding students with intellectual disability less than one years over six months, are showing higher the extent necessary of skills required for employment of students with intellectual disability. 4. On the following field practice training ways: training during third year on the semester, one day a week, each practice less than 4 hours over 2 hours, more than 16students participating, vocational counselors as the main instructor, and school do not hold an employers’ forum, employers are showing higher satisfaction to students’ practice performance. 5. On the following field practice training ways: training during second year on the semester, each practice less than 2 hours, 6 to 10 students or more than 16 students participating, other persons as the main instructor, and school do not hold an employers’ forum, employers are showing higher the extent necessary of skills required for employment of students with intellectual disability. Implications and suggestions for schools, government, and future studies were provided accordingly.en_US
dc.subjectfield practiceen_US
dc.subjectemployers’ satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectthe skills required for employmenten_US
dc.subjectstudents with intellectual disabilityen_US
dc.titleA Study on Employers’ Satisfaction in the Field Practice and Skills Required for Employment of Students with Intellectual Disabilityen_US

