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本研究以八名大專男子甲組羽球選手(年齡19.63±1.5歲、175.25±6.32公分、體重66.75±4.77公斤、球齡9.38±1.19年)為對象,分析羽球正、反拍發球時的生物力學變數,以瞭解正、反拍發球的力學機轉與特性。利用Biovision 生物訊號擷取系統(1000Hz)收集受試者持拍側上肢11處肌群的表面肌電訊號,透過AcqKnowledge 3.9.1分析軟體計算肌電參數,同步使用10部Vicon MX-13 system紅外線攝影機(250Hz)擷取受試者的運動學訊號。以無母數弗里曼二因子變異數分析,來考驗三種不同球路的肌電與運動學參數的差異情形,並以Excel軟體進行事後比較的計算。以無母數魏克遜配對符號等級檢定,考驗正拍與反拍發球之各項參數的差異情形,顯著水準定為α= .05。經研究發現反拍發球有較高的擊球高度、較短的揮拍距離、較快的揮拍時間與較難判斷球路種類的引拍與揮拍動作,因較不易遭對手識破球路,因此突擊的能力較佳,發球後較易掌握主動進攻的優勢。在發平快球與高遠球等高速揮拍動作時,肱三頭肌與後三角肌有較大的肌電訊號產生。依據本研究的結果,建議羽球選手在比賽時使用反拍發球,以提升競爭優勢。
The purpose of this study was comparing the EMG and kinematical variables between badminton forehand and backhand services. Eight collegiate level one male badminton players (age: 19.63 ±1.5 yr, height: 175.25 ±6.32 cm, weight: 66.75 ±4.77 kg, experience: 9.38 ±1.19 yr.) in Taiwan served as the participants. The EMG variables were recorded by the Biovision system (1000hz) to collected the surface EMG signal of eleven muscles on the dominate right-hand, including flexor carpi ulnaris, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis, brachioradialis muscle, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, pectoralis major, anterior deltoideus, posterior deltoideus, trapezius. The EMG and IEMG signals were analyzed by AcqKnowledge 3.9.1 software. The kinematical variables were recorded by Vicon MX-13 system (250Hz) and computed by Vicon nexus1.2 software. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank nonparametric statistical test was to test between forehand and backhand serves for the differences in EMG data and motion variables. The Friedman two-way variance analysis of nonparametric statistical test was to test among three different path serves (low, flat and clear serves). The statistical analysis were calculated by the software of SPSS 17.0 and the post-hoc comparison were calculated by the Excel software, the significant levels as at α=.05. The results showed that there were the greater contact heights, the shorter distance, the less movement time and less expectable in the backhand serves than in the forehand serves. During serving, the backhand serves seemed having more advantages than the forehand serves. In rapid serves just like the flat and clear serves, there were greater EMG amplitude signals on the triceps brachii and posterior deltoideus. As on the results of this study, we recommend that the badminton players should used the backhand serves in the games to increase the possibility to win the game.
The purpose of this study was comparing the EMG and kinematical variables between badminton forehand and backhand services. Eight collegiate level one male badminton players (age: 19.63 ±1.5 yr, height: 175.25 ±6.32 cm, weight: 66.75 ±4.77 kg, experience: 9.38 ±1.19 yr.) in Taiwan served as the participants. The EMG variables were recorded by the Biovision system (1000hz) to collected the surface EMG signal of eleven muscles on the dominate right-hand, including flexor carpi ulnaris, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis, brachioradialis muscle, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, pectoralis major, anterior deltoideus, posterior deltoideus, trapezius. The EMG and IEMG signals were analyzed by AcqKnowledge 3.9.1 software. The kinematical variables were recorded by Vicon MX-13 system (250Hz) and computed by Vicon nexus1.2 software. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank nonparametric statistical test was to test between forehand and backhand serves for the differences in EMG data and motion variables. The Friedman two-way variance analysis of nonparametric statistical test was to test among three different path serves (low, flat and clear serves). The statistical analysis were calculated by the software of SPSS 17.0 and the post-hoc comparison were calculated by the Excel software, the significant levels as at α=.05. The results showed that there were the greater contact heights, the shorter distance, the less movement time and less expectable in the backhand serves than in the forehand serves. During serving, the backhand serves seemed having more advantages than the forehand serves. In rapid serves just like the flat and clear serves, there were greater EMG amplitude signals on the triceps brachii and posterior deltoideus. As on the results of this study, we recommend that the badminton players should used the backhand serves in the games to increase the possibility to win the game.
羽球, 發球, 肌電訊號, badminton, serve, EMG