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本研究旨在編訂中文版的運動領導量表,俾作為臺灣地區從事運動教練領導行為 研究之主要工具。 研究對象為經分層隨機抽樣方式所選取的 685 位不同層級(國中、高中 、 大專、 國家級)之運動選手。 並以 Chelladurai 於 1994 所提出之運動領導量表( Leadership Scale for Sports, LSS )為藍本,翻譯修訂成 [ 運動領導量表(中文版) ] 為研究工具。經以隔四週重測信度、和 Cronbach's 內部一致性估計值來考驗信度;以內在 相關、和因素分析來考驗量表的建構效度,結果顯示本量表之信度和效度均佳,可供國內研 究者及運動教練實際之應用。此外,研究者並進一步提在使用上的要點。
The purpose of this study to develop a scale for studying the leadership behavior of coaches in Taiwan. Six hundred and eighty five elite athletes selected by stratified sampling method from different level( national, university/ college, high school, and iunior high school ) served as the subjects of this study. The instrument utilized in this study was " the Leadership Scale for Sports-Chinese Version, LSS-CV" which was translated and modified directly from the Chelladurai's original scale of versoin 1994. In the stage of developing the LSS-CV, the methods of testretest and internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient ) were applied for testing reliability, and factor analysis, internal correlation were also utilized for assessing validity. It revealed that the value of validity and reliability of this scale were adequate and could be applied for the need of research and coaching in Chinese society.Additionally, possible utulization of the LSS-CV were indicated.
The purpose of this study to develop a scale for studying the leadership behavior of coaches in Taiwan. Six hundred and eighty five elite athletes selected by stratified sampling method from different level( national, university/ college, high school, and iunior high school ) served as the subjects of this study. The instrument utilized in this study was " the Leadership Scale for Sports-Chinese Version, LSS-CV" which was translated and modified directly from the Chelladurai's original scale of versoin 1994. In the stage of developing the LSS-CV, the methods of testretest and internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient ) were applied for testing reliability, and factor analysis, internal correlation were also utilized for assessing validity. It revealed that the value of validity and reliability of this scale were adequate and could be applied for the need of research and coaching in Chinese society.Additionally, possible utulization of the LSS-CV were indicated.