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我國的能源教育是由經濟部能源局以委辦計畫的方式主導推動,以國小學校教師及學生為對象,舉辦各式推廣活動,其中對於教師而言,最需要的是提供能源教育相關教學資源。目前在能源教學活動當中,最吸引學生的是「動手做」的能源教具實作課程,如:太陽能車、手搖發電裝置等;然而,此類課程需要教師於上課前花費心力選定教具的主題並備妥零件及工具,且讓學生組裝、操作教具也會佔用正式課堂的時間。為解決上述問題,同時兼顧能吸引並提升學生學習興趣的目的,本研究運用擴增實境搭配行動載具(平板電腦),以ADDIE為研究架構,採用主題式課程統整模式發展設計教學活動,並完成能源教育融入式教案,使教師能於自然與生活科技正式課程單元中搭配實施。 本研究完成教案後,邀請教學現場之國小學校教師進行試教課程,由參與的師生提供相關回饋意見,再經由專家會議確認教案內容;此外,研究者亦實際於一所兼具能源教育與資訊教育特色之國小學校進行擴增實境能源教學活動,以便能直接瞭解學生真實的反應。上述教學活動實施的結果,整體而言教學效果、學生反應良好,成功引起學生學習能源主題的興趣,而師生亦普遍認同以平板電腦操作擴增實境活動有助於對學習內容的瞭解。
Currently in Taiwan, one of the most attractive ways to teach the concept of “energy” for elementary school students is using interactive teaching aids, such as toy cars powered by solar energy. Students pay more attention to interactive aids, so as to stimulate their learning motivations toward learning subjects. Unfortunately, to assemble physical teaching aids have been found to be so time-consuming that was difficult to be embedded in a regular lesson unit. Taking the advantage of mixing virtual images onto the real objects, an augmented reality (AR) learning aid does not need to take much time to assemble the physical parts, therefore considered to be an alternative for aiding elementary students in learning energy concepts. This study assumes that applying AR techniques in teaching energy concepts would be more efficient for both teachers and students. In this study, we developed an energy saving learning unit that is closely related to students’ daily lives to verify our assumption. We used “Aurasma”, a free APP for creating interactive AR, to design the AR-facilitated learning module, which is able to help students identify preset electricalappliances in the classroom and show their power consumption and carbon emissions. Finally, we practically implemented our mobile AR learning module in elementary schools and resulted as follows: I.The course implemented our mobile AR learning module successfully brought out students’ good learning performance and aroused their learning motivations. II.Both teachers and students agreed that our mobile AR learning module is helpful in understanding energy concepts.



行動擴增實境, 國小能源教育, ADDIE, 課程統整, mobile augmented reality, energy education, ADDIE





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