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本研究以文獻研究和案例分析為主,將範圍界定於史前舊石器時代,繪製方式以岩繪為主的歐洲區域,歸納出歐洲岩畫表現分析可分為:一、點的表現方式:(一) 點形(紅或黑)、(二) 散點、(三) 多點成形。二、線條的表現方式:(一) 直線、(二) 連續線、(三) 霧狀線、(四) 噴製線、(五) 交疊線。三、線條加上刻的表現方式:(一) 實線加刻、(二) 細碎線加刻。四、岩畫面形:(一) 手印、(二) 單色面、(三) 雙色面、(四) 漸層面、(五) 多色交疊面。
Creativity and communication are the basic elements of image transmission; the motivation and creativity of this research is inspired by the mode of thinking of our ancestors while they drew cave art. This study will explore the content of cave art and the basic communication of human beings, with the purpose of exploring human imagination and inspiration, analysing aesthetics of cave art as well as their outlines, summarising the common characteristics and similar patterns of all art contents and, further, applying them to the creation of animal ecological illustration. Based on literature study and case analysis, this study limits its research range within the Prehistoric Palaeolithic Age and chooses cave painting—the mode mainly applied in Europe—as the research object. The analysis of European cave art, thus, can be divided according the following aspects: 1. Points as mode of expression: (1) Points (red or black), (2) Scattering, (3) Multi-point forming. 2. Lines as mode of expression: (1) Straight lines, (2) Continuous line, (3) Mist Line, (4) Spray particles lines, (5) Overlapping lines. 3. Engraved lines as mode of expression: (1) Solid line engraving, (2) Dotted line engraving. 4. Colouring of cave art: (1) Handprint, (2) Monochrome surface, (3) Double colour surface, (4) Gradient surface, (5) Multicolour overlapping surface. The results of this research will be applied to the creation of illustrations, and modern illustrations will be analysed through the mode of expression of its lines, shape and situational style. It is concluded that modern illustrations are rich in diversity, while on the contrary, few spray particles lines appear. The work drew its material from painting elements and line elements extracted from cave art to be applied to the illustration themes of ecological animal conservation. Animal protection was selected as the issue under discussion to express the hostile living environment of animals that are being hunted. Eleven animal ecology illustrations, whose inspiration originated from the fact that human beings massacre animals in the same way as they destroy their living environment, were created. It is hoped that the created illustrations would convey the grief of animals and advocate positive protection forces of human beings.
Creativity and communication are the basic elements of image transmission; the motivation and creativity of this research is inspired by the mode of thinking of our ancestors while they drew cave art. This study will explore the content of cave art and the basic communication of human beings, with the purpose of exploring human imagination and inspiration, analysing aesthetics of cave art as well as their outlines, summarising the common characteristics and similar patterns of all art contents and, further, applying them to the creation of animal ecological illustration. Based on literature study and case analysis, this study limits its research range within the Prehistoric Palaeolithic Age and chooses cave painting—the mode mainly applied in Europe—as the research object. The analysis of European cave art, thus, can be divided according the following aspects: 1. Points as mode of expression: (1) Points (red or black), (2) Scattering, (3) Multi-point forming. 2. Lines as mode of expression: (1) Straight lines, (2) Continuous line, (3) Mist Line, (4) Spray particles lines, (5) Overlapping lines. 3. Engraved lines as mode of expression: (1) Solid line engraving, (2) Dotted line engraving. 4. Colouring of cave art: (1) Handprint, (2) Monochrome surface, (3) Double colour surface, (4) Gradient surface, (5) Multicolour overlapping surface. The results of this research will be applied to the creation of illustrations, and modern illustrations will be analysed through the mode of expression of its lines, shape and situational style. It is concluded that modern illustrations are rich in diversity, while on the contrary, few spray particles lines appear. The work drew its material from painting elements and line elements extracted from cave art to be applied to the illustration themes of ecological animal conservation. Animal protection was selected as the issue under discussion to express the hostile living environment of animals that are being hunted. Eleven animal ecology illustrations, whose inspiration originated from the fact that human beings massacre animals in the same way as they destroy their living environment, were created. It is hoped that the created illustrations would convey the grief of animals and advocate positive protection forces of human beings.
岩畫, 岩畫線條, 線條, 插畫, 生態保育動物插畫, Cave art, Cave art line, Line, Illustration, Ecological conservation animal illustration