比較角色扮演者(coser)及自助旅行者之 角色涉入與自我體驗

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近年來自助旅遊(independent travel)型態盛行,觀光休閒的活動內容更加重視給予顧客具有價值的親身參與體驗,因此將焦點放在個人知覺體驗的觀光型態─背包旅行愈發興盛。本研究由筆者自身的旅行經驗發想,發現在旅行的過程中,筆者將自己化成特定角色,經由外在的「喬裝」與內在心境的轉化,與目前時下興盛的次文化─角色扮演(Cosplay)相當類似。因此欲從角色扮演的角度,探討臺灣自助旅行者跨國的旅行體驗。在旅行途中,旅人脫離原有的生活,成為旅者時,內心層面的變化及轉折是否與「角色扮演」參與者有著相同的思考邏輯;故研究者從「角色扮演」及「自助旅行」兩個跨領域的議題中,試圖分析、歸納出其二者之間的關連性及共通點。 本研究利用深度訪談,訪問了九位到歐洲自助旅行的台灣旅人,透過筆者分析,自助旅行者可歸類為七種角色類型:度假型、觀察家型、自我揭露型、窺祕者型、當地人型、冒險家型以及台灣人(國家意識型)等。研究結果發現旅人在踏上旅程,切斷與台灣現實生活連結,脫離原本的角色後,會依照自己所見所聞,投入至另一個角色,但該角色是浮動的、可變動的,主要依照旅人的意識或潛意識而呈現。
Abstract The number of backpackers is growing rapidly as independent travel provides embodied experiences for travelers. This research is developed from travel experiences of the researcher who seemingly tends to turn into a specific role by changing outside appearance and inner attitude during the process of traveling. This kind of transformation is similar to one of the sub-cultures, cosplay. Thus this research aims at investigating Taiwanese independent travelers’ travel experiences from the aspect of cosplay. It also discusses if travelers and cosers have followed the same pattern and path of transforming themselves into a different role. Whilst following nine Taiwanese independent travelers on their journeys throughout Europe, via oral interviewing techniques; it was discovered that the interviewees could be categorized into seven different categories: the vacationer, the observer, the self-disclosure, the localized, the adventurer and the nationality-involved. This study discovered that after abandoning connnections with daily lives, travelers transform themselves into other characters according to external stimuli they are confronted with at foreign places. This study also indicates that the character type is flexible and changeable with regards to traveler’s own mindset.



角色扮演, 自助旅行, 脫離, 自我, 涉入, 心流體驗, cosplay, independent travel, alienation, self, involvement, flow experience





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