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The study investigated the oral narrative ability and related factors in elementary school-age children with mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Forty-seven children with mild ASD and 47 typically- developing pairs matched with the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and the same grades were recruited. Informed consent forms were collected from all parents of children participants. The data includes 773 story-retelling and personal experience narratives. The data is analyzed by the Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES). The results were as followings: 1.There was no significant difference in the narrative length between the ASD and control groups across the low, middle and high grade levels. 2.For the narrative elements, the quantities of setting, consequence, initiating event, attempt, and internal response of the mild ASD in the story-retelling narratives were significantly lower than that of their typically-developing peers. No difference was found for the reaction measure. As for the personal experience narratives, the quantities of topic maintenance, event sequencing, informativeness, setting, evaluation, and referencing were significantly lower in the ASD children, but no difference was found in the conjunction measures between the two groups. 3.For the narrative structures, based on the story-telling data, the quantity of descriptive sequences of the mild ASD were higher than that of the peers, whereas the quantity of complete episodes of the typically-developing children were higher than that of children with mild ASD. Based on the personal experience data, the proportion of chronology narrative and end-at-the-high-point narrative were higher in the ASD group, but the proportion of classic narratives were higher in the control group. 4.The narrative length of the mild ASD was significantly correlated with their theory of mind ability, and the narrative contents were significantly related to the theory of mind and chronological age. Based on the results, four conclusions are drawn in this study: 1.Children with mild ASD are not inferior to children with same verbal intelligence level in all aspects of narrative elements. There are four possible patterns of the development for narrative elements between the two groups: (1) children with mild ASD show equivalent performance for the elements to their age peers consistently across the grade levels; (2) children with mild ASD start poorer for the elements in the low grade level but catch up afterwards; (3) children with ASD does not improve with age for the elements and the difference between the two groups become more obvious in higher grade levels because control children become more sophisticated, and (4) children with mild ASD show consistently poorer performance for the elements to their age peers across the grade levels. 2.The development of narrative structure in children with mild ASD is delayed comparing to the control group. They have higher proportion of incomplete episodes, and the proportion of complete episodes does not increase with age as in the control group. 3.For the ASD group, children with higher theory of mild ability have longer narrative length. Their performances in story contents become more mature in both the story-retelling and personal experience narratives 4.For the mild ASD, the relationship between the narrative length and contents are significant correlated in both the story-retelling and personal experience narratives. The quality of narratives is better as the narrative length increases.
The study investigated the oral narrative ability and related factors in elementary school-age children with mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Forty-seven children with mild ASD and 47 typically- developing pairs matched with the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and the same grades were recruited. Informed consent forms were collected from all parents of children participants. The data includes 773 story-retelling and personal experience narratives. The data is analyzed by the Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES). The results were as followings: 1.There was no significant difference in the narrative length between the ASD and control groups across the low, middle and high grade levels. 2.For the narrative elements, the quantities of setting, consequence, initiating event, attempt, and internal response of the mild ASD in the story-retelling narratives were significantly lower than that of their typically-developing peers. No difference was found for the reaction measure. As for the personal experience narratives, the quantities of topic maintenance, event sequencing, informativeness, setting, evaluation, and referencing were significantly lower in the ASD children, but no difference was found in the conjunction measures between the two groups. 3.For the narrative structures, based on the story-telling data, the quantity of descriptive sequences of the mild ASD were higher than that of the peers, whereas the quantity of complete episodes of the typically-developing children were higher than that of children with mild ASD. Based on the personal experience data, the proportion of chronology narrative and end-at-the-high-point narrative were higher in the ASD group, but the proportion of classic narratives were higher in the control group. 4.The narrative length of the mild ASD was significantly correlated with their theory of mind ability, and the narrative contents were significantly related to the theory of mind and chronological age. Based on the results, four conclusions are drawn in this study: 1.Children with mild ASD are not inferior to children with same verbal intelligence level in all aspects of narrative elements. There are four possible patterns of the development for narrative elements between the two groups: (1) children with mild ASD show equivalent performance for the elements to their age peers consistently across the grade levels; (2) children with mild ASD start poorer for the elements in the low grade level but catch up afterwards; (3) children with ASD does not improve with age for the elements and the difference between the two groups become more obvious in higher grade levels because control children become more sophisticated, and (4) children with mild ASD show consistently poorer performance for the elements to their age peers across the grade levels. 2.The development of narrative structure in children with mild ASD is delayed comparing to the control group. They have higher proportion of incomplete episodes, and the proportion of complete episodes does not increase with age as in the control group. 3.For the ASD group, children with higher theory of mild ability have longer narrative length. Their performances in story contents become more mature in both the story-retelling and personal experience narratives 4.For the mild ASD, the relationship between the narrative length and contents are significant correlated in both the story-retelling and personal experience narratives. The quality of narratives is better as the narrative length increases.
輕症自閉症, 口語敘事能力, 心智理論, 故事重述, 個人經驗敘述, children with mild ASD, oral narrative ability, theory of mind, story retelling, personal narrative