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研究目的二為根據目的一所建構之科學素養向度與指標,發展出評量技術型高中工科學生科學素養的題本,並效化此題本。初步的效化結果顯示題本具有專家效度以及內容效度。339位學生的作答資料用以提供資訊並建立效標關聯效度和構念效度,前者受到支持,後者則有改進的空間。「科學素養」總題本達到高的Cronbach’s α係數,且題項分析的結果在可接受的範圍。最後,基於研究結果提出對於技術型高中課程內容設計的建議。
Abstract: The purposes of this research are to develop a set of indicators of scientific literacy and then utilize it to develop and validate the Test of Scientific Literacy for students in the industrial sector of vocational high schools in Taiwan. In order to achieve its purposes, this research was conducted by way of the implementation of two studies. The focus of the first study was to develop an initial framework on scientific literacy that was specifically catered for students in the industrial sector of vocational high schools through literature review and consultation with expert science educators who had done research in scientific literacy. A Delphi survey was conducted in two rounds in order to collect data from 28 scholars and 41 vocational high school teachers. Statistics were computed and the framework was finalized through consensus in two rounds of meeting involving from experts in science and vocational education. A total of five dimensions were identified, namely possessing basic scientific knowledge (dimension A), being able to engage in basic scientific inquiry and communicate in order to solve problems (dimension B), apply scientific thinking to solve problems encountered in everyday life (dimension C), applying scientific knowledge and methods at workplace (dimension D), and carrying appropriate attitude and behavioral disposition towards science (dimension E). The second study aims at developing a test of scientific literacy according to the framework established in study one and then undergoing the process of validation. Initial validation results were supportive with respect to expert and content validation. Empirical data collected from 339 students were used to furnish information about criterion and construct validity. While the results with respect to the former were supportive, the results for the latter revealed some room for improvement. Further supportive evidences came from high Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for all subscales as well as acceptable results based on item analysis. Lastly, insights on the curriculum for the industrial sector of vocational high school were gleaned based on the established framework and the initial results from the test instrument.
Abstract: The purposes of this research are to develop a set of indicators of scientific literacy and then utilize it to develop and validate the Test of Scientific Literacy for students in the industrial sector of vocational high schools in Taiwan. In order to achieve its purposes, this research was conducted by way of the implementation of two studies. The focus of the first study was to develop an initial framework on scientific literacy that was specifically catered for students in the industrial sector of vocational high schools through literature review and consultation with expert science educators who had done research in scientific literacy. A Delphi survey was conducted in two rounds in order to collect data from 28 scholars and 41 vocational high school teachers. Statistics were computed and the framework was finalized through consensus in two rounds of meeting involving from experts in science and vocational education. A total of five dimensions were identified, namely possessing basic scientific knowledge (dimension A), being able to engage in basic scientific inquiry and communicate in order to solve problems (dimension B), apply scientific thinking to solve problems encountered in everyday life (dimension C), applying scientific knowledge and methods at workplace (dimension D), and carrying appropriate attitude and behavioral disposition towards science (dimension E). The second study aims at developing a test of scientific literacy according to the framework established in study one and then undergoing the process of validation. Initial validation results were supportive with respect to expert and content validation. Empirical data collected from 339 students were used to furnish information about criterion and construct validity. While the results with respect to the former were supportive, the results for the latter revealed some room for improvement. Further supportive evidences came from high Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for all subscales as well as acceptable results based on item analysis. Lastly, insights on the curriculum for the industrial sector of vocational high school were gleaned based on the established framework and the initial results from the test instrument.
大慧調查, 科學素養, 技術型高中工科學生, 評量工具, Delphi technique, scientific literacy, industrial vocational high schools students, assessment instrument