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Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen
Wu, Cheng-Chih
Lin, Feng-Ying
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本研究採用「大慧調查法」探討我國高中電腦教師所應具備的學科基本知識。調查問卷之設計是以 1991 年美國 ACM/IEEE 所提之大學電腦科學課程建議書( Computing Curricula '91 )為藍本,彙整出電腦科學之基本知識項目共計 340 項,邀請十四位資訊科學領域之專家學者研判各知識項目之重要性。經過四輪的問卷調查及一次座談之後,專家評定了 165 項高中電腦教師必備的知識項目。該 165 項知識項目主要涵蓋了「計算機概論」、「資料結構」、「演算法」、「計算機結構」、「作業系統」、「程式語言結構」、「軟體工程」、「電腦網路」、「多媒體系統」、「離散數學」、「機率」、及「線性代數」等科目。本研究所得結果可供電腦教師培育機構之參考,亦可為高中電腦科學科專門知識檢定之依據。
The objective of this research was to determine basic set of subject matter knowledge that should be required of all those wishing to become computer teachers in senior high schools. The Delphi technique was employed to collect different views and derive consensus from a panel of 14 experts, including experts in computer education and computer science. The initial list of knowledge items presented in the first survey questionnaire was based on the contents of ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 1991. It consists of 340 knowledge items in three categories: (1) Common requirements, (2) Mathematics requirements, and (3) Advanced topics. After a four-round Delphi survey and a round-table discussion, we finally obtained a list of 165 knowledge items that are considered important and necessary for teaching the contents specified in the guidelines of the high-school computer course. By mapping the 165 knowledge items to the typical contents of courses taught in computer science departments, we also were able to identify the following set of core courses that we recommend to be included in any preparation program for computer teachers of senior high schools. The courses are: Computer Science (Ⅰ ) and (Ⅱ ), Data Structures, Computer Algorithms, Computer Architectures, Operating Systems, Constructs of Computer Languages, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Linear Algebra.
The objective of this research was to determine basic set of subject matter knowledge that should be required of all those wishing to become computer teachers in senior high schools. The Delphi technique was employed to collect different views and derive consensus from a panel of 14 experts, including experts in computer education and computer science. The initial list of knowledge items presented in the first survey questionnaire was based on the contents of ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 1991. It consists of 340 knowledge items in three categories: (1) Common requirements, (2) Mathematics requirements, and (3) Advanced topics. After a four-round Delphi survey and a round-table discussion, we finally obtained a list of 165 knowledge items that are considered important and necessary for teaching the contents specified in the guidelines of the high-school computer course. By mapping the 165 knowledge items to the typical contents of courses taught in computer science departments, we also were able to identify the following set of core courses that we recommend to be included in any preparation program for computer teachers of senior high schools. The courses are: Computer Science (Ⅰ ) and (Ⅱ ), Data Structures, Computer Algorithms, Computer Architectures, Operating Systems, Constructs of Computer Languages, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Linear Algebra.