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Brain computer interface (BCI) is mostly lead to complete by motor imagery which includes left hand, right hand, foot, and tongue. However, less of related groups put effort to study about BCI based on imaging of color pictures and Chinese words. In this thesis, the pilot study discusses the differences of electroencephalogram (EEG) of imaging color pictures and Chinese words, and design suitable hints of cognitive tasks. The above description is main motivation and the designed hints are main contributions in this study. EEG recordings contain various noises, for instance, the disturbance from electric supply, physiological artifacts, etc. At the same times, EEG is time-variant and non-stationary. According to these reasons, “feature extraction” and “classification” of EEG are the main issues in BCI regions. In “feature extraction”, this study adopted multi-scale principle component analysis (multi-scale PCA) to analyze EEG signals. The whole method in this study is divided into two steps: In the first step, a kind of discrete wavelet transform, Daubechies wavelet, is used to decompose EEG signals into several sub-bands and increase the number of feature. In the second step, multi-scale PCA is used to extract most distinguished eigen values and eigen vectors. In “classification”, support vector machine (SVM) which usually has high accuracy is used to classify EEG of imaging color pictures and Chinese words in this study. There are thirteen subjects jointed this experiment. The performance in the experiment, one of subjects, S4 has highest accuracy of classification which can be reach to 88.89%, and averaged accuracy of all subjects is 72.65%. The more advanced research in this study is to discuss two different hints of imagery task, “pictures - animals” and “words - non-animal”. The experimental results show that the averaged accuracy of “pictures - animals” hint is 74.08% and “words - non-animal” hint is 84.21%. This could give a conclusion that “words - non-animal” hint has better performance on the accuracy rate of classification. Finally, this study also generalized the relationship of EEG potentials between P300 and N400 during hints of “color pictures” and “Chinese words”. The phenomena in this study revealed that event-related potential with N400 was the negative peak during 370ms-520ms. In general, the wave with low frequency after the negative peak could exist. This is the response reduced from EEG when subjects receive strange stimulations. At the same times, the most distinguished difference between EEG of imaging “color pictures” and “Chinese words” with power spectrum is located at Alpha2 band (11-14 Hz) and Beta1 band(14-25 Hz). It is also called Beta band in the common.
Brain computer interface (BCI) is mostly lead to complete by motor imagery which includes left hand, right hand, foot, and tongue. However, less of related groups put effort to study about BCI based on imaging of color pictures and Chinese words. In this thesis, the pilot study discusses the differences of electroencephalogram (EEG) of imaging color pictures and Chinese words, and design suitable hints of cognitive tasks. The above description is main motivation and the designed hints are main contributions in this study. EEG recordings contain various noises, for instance, the disturbance from electric supply, physiological artifacts, etc. At the same times, EEG is time-variant and non-stationary. According to these reasons, “feature extraction” and “classification” of EEG are the main issues in BCI regions. In “feature extraction”, this study adopted multi-scale principle component analysis (multi-scale PCA) to analyze EEG signals. The whole method in this study is divided into two steps: In the first step, a kind of discrete wavelet transform, Daubechies wavelet, is used to decompose EEG signals into several sub-bands and increase the number of feature. In the second step, multi-scale PCA is used to extract most distinguished eigen values and eigen vectors. In “classification”, support vector machine (SVM) which usually has high accuracy is used to classify EEG of imaging color pictures and Chinese words in this study. There are thirteen subjects jointed this experiment. The performance in the experiment, one of subjects, S4 has highest accuracy of classification which can be reach to 88.89%, and averaged accuracy of all subjects is 72.65%. The more advanced research in this study is to discuss two different hints of imagery task, “pictures - animals” and “words - non-animal”. The experimental results show that the averaged accuracy of “pictures - animals” hint is 74.08% and “words - non-animal” hint is 84.21%. This could give a conclusion that “words - non-animal” hint has better performance on the accuracy rate of classification. Finally, this study also generalized the relationship of EEG potentials between P300 and N400 during hints of “color pictures” and “Chinese words”. The phenomena in this study revealed that event-related potential with N400 was the negative peak during 370ms-520ms. In general, the wave with low frequency after the negative peak could exist. This is the response reduced from EEG when subjects receive strange stimulations. At the same times, the most distinguished difference between EEG of imaging “color pictures” and “Chinese words” with power spectrum is located at Alpha2 band (11-14 Hz) and Beta1 band(14-25 Hz). It is also called Beta band in the common.
腦電波, 大腦人機介面, 多尺度主成分分析法, 多貝西小波, 支持向量機, Electroencephalography, Brain–computer interface, Multi-scale principal component analysis, Daubechies wavelet, Support vector machines