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飲用含糖飲料不僅會造成肥胖,還可能增加罹患代謝症候群、第二型糖尿病、心臟病等慢性疾病之風險。臺灣民眾含糖飲料攝取有日益增加的趨勢,加上臺灣地區飲料業營利事業家數逐年上升,飲食環境有利於民眾攝取含糖飲料。雖臺灣政府已規範連鎖手搖飲料業者需標示飲料之總糖量及總熱量,不過消費者可能無法了解該標示之含義,易造成消費者攝取過多糖量而不自知,其標示方式有待深入探討。故本研究目的旨在探討不同組合之菜單營養標示與營養素養對手搖飲料行為意圖、手搖飲料含糖量之影響。本研究採用線上實驗法,使用2 x 2 x 2三因子實驗設計,操弄手搖飲料菜單上「總熱量與總糖量標示的有無」、「身體活動熱量當量標示的有無」、「警語標示的有無」,實驗分為8個組別,以立意取樣招募一個月內有飲用手搖飲料者,總共回收354份有效問卷。以敘述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、變異數分析與迴歸分析等方法進行資料統計。研究結果發現:組間的無糖手搖飲料行為意圖有顯著差異,其中菜單營養標示為「有總熱量與總糖量、有身體活動熱量當量標示、無警語」對無糖手搖飲料行為意圖有最佳的影響效果;營養素養對無糖手搖飲料行為意圖有顯著正向影響;不過組間的消費者選擇之手搖飲料含糖量則無顯著差異。研究建議政府呼籲手搖飲料業者將總熱量與總糖量設置於顯而易見菜單上,並鼓勵業者應同時放入身體活動熱量當量標示標示。
Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages may cause obesity and increase the risk for development of several chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. However, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in Taiwan is increasing gradually. In addition, the number of hand-shaken beverage stores is growing year by year. Consequently, sugar-sweetened beverages become more accessible to people in Taiwan. Although the Taiwan government has required chain hand-shaken beverage stores to follow regulations of calorie and sugar labeling, consumers may not be able to realize the meaning of the labels. Therefore, it may easily cause consumers to consume much more sugar. This study aims to explore how nutrition labeling on menu and nutrition literacy influence behavioral intention of hand-shaken beverages and sugar content of hand-shaken beverages. The study adopted online experiment method and was conducted with 2 x 2 x 2 three factor experimental design. Three kinds of nutrition labeling, total calorie and total sugar label, physical activity calorie equivalent label, and warning label, were manipulated to create eight menus. Purposive sampling was used and respondents who had consumed hand-shaken beverages within one month were recruited. A total of 354 valid samples were collected. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results found that there was a significant difference in behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages among different menus. Menu with total calorie and total sugar label as well as physical activity calorie equivalent label but without warning label had the highest effect on behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages. Nutrition literacy had a significant effect on behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages. However, there was no significant difference in sugar content of hand-shaken beverages chosen by respondents among different menus. It is suggested that the government should call on the hand-shaken beverages industry to set total calorie and total sugar label on menu; furthermore, it would be better that both of total calorie and total sugar label and physical activity calorie equivalent label can be put on menu.
Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages may cause obesity and increase the risk for development of several chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. However, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in Taiwan is increasing gradually. In addition, the number of hand-shaken beverage stores is growing year by year. Consequently, sugar-sweetened beverages become more accessible to people in Taiwan. Although the Taiwan government has required chain hand-shaken beverage stores to follow regulations of calorie and sugar labeling, consumers may not be able to realize the meaning of the labels. Therefore, it may easily cause consumers to consume much more sugar. This study aims to explore how nutrition labeling on menu and nutrition literacy influence behavioral intention of hand-shaken beverages and sugar content of hand-shaken beverages. The study adopted online experiment method and was conducted with 2 x 2 x 2 three factor experimental design. Three kinds of nutrition labeling, total calorie and total sugar label, physical activity calorie equivalent label, and warning label, were manipulated to create eight menus. Purposive sampling was used and respondents who had consumed hand-shaken beverages within one month were recruited. A total of 354 valid samples were collected. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results found that there was a significant difference in behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages among different menus. Menu with total calorie and total sugar label as well as physical activity calorie equivalent label but without warning label had the highest effect on behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages. Nutrition literacy had a significant effect on behavioral intention of drinking unsweetened hand-shaken beverages. However, there was no significant difference in sugar content of hand-shaken beverages chosen by respondents among different menus. It is suggested that the government should call on the hand-shaken beverages industry to set total calorie and total sugar label on menu; furthermore, it would be better that both of total calorie and total sugar label and physical activity calorie equivalent label can be put on menu.
身體活動熱量當量標示, 警語標示, 手搖飲料, 行為意圖, 營養素養, physical activity calorie equivalent label, warning label, hand-shaken beverages, behavioral intention, nutrition literacy