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中華電信MOD平台經營模式與策略規劃之研究 摘要 數位匯流時代來臨,電信業者也可以利用寬頻網路扮演媒體經營者角色,IPTV(Internet Protocol Television)的興起在各先進國家都是不可抵擋的趨勢。中華電信挾帶可觀的企業資源優勢,標榜隨選互動的特點,也以MOD多媒體隨選系統(Multimedia on demand)直接挑戰國內各媒體業者,於2004年3月正式開播,打破傳統媒體產業價值鏈,成為我國電信業者跨足經營媒體的先例,但經過三年搖擺於電信法及廣電三法上之疑義,終還是於2007年1月應國家通訊傳播委員會要求完成開放平台。 平台改造後,頻道及節目的實際經營,則改由各營運商自行推動及管理,樂觀來看,平台形成大市集態勢,市場規模自然擴大,但喪失內容主導權的MOD平台,也等同被廢了原有的武功,再加上有線電視系統業者持續抵制內容商加入平台,以及法規環境依舊不穩,面臨機會與危機交織的未來,在競爭愈漸激烈的媒體戰場中找到最佳的新營運模式與策略規劃,已是中華電信面臨的考驗。 本研究透過國內外產官學相關文獻回顧與深度訪談,綜合不同視角之觀點,勾勒MOD平台的營運藍圖,探究平台改造後面臨的市場競爭態勢及其因應對策。研究發現,MOD平台會逐漸形成群聚內容商的大市集,但仍要克服各類競爭者的抵制,運用光纖網路的技術優勢,利用VOD(video on Demand)內容與HDTV(High Definition Television)開播等契機,以創新思維積極與各類業者展開策略聯盟,祭出符合市場需求的多元內容,才能實踐永續經營的價值,發揮平台改造的最大效益。 關鍵詞:數位匯流、多媒體隨選視訊、網路電視、中華電信、經營模式
Abstract The time of Digital Convergence is coming, Internet Service Providers also can play the role as manager of media with broadband network. The rising of IPTV is an undeniable trend in developed countries. Chunghwa Telecom Corporation bring in the enormous resource and advertising themselves about the specialties of interacting system, MOD, also use it to challenge the media market in Taiwan. By the official broadcasting in March, 2004, they broke the value chain of traditional media industry and become the precedent that telecommunication dealer span their field, also in media. Chunghwa Telecom Corporation finally opened the platform of MOD’s after three years because of some controversy issues in enactments since 2004. After improved the system, CTC gave the rights of controlling and expanding all the MOD’s programs and channels to the content providers themselves. On the bright side, because of the management, MOD market had gotten extension; but on the other side, CTC had lost their predominate places of MOD. In addition, the multiple system operators continuing resist the content provider to join the platform. More over, the unstable enactments are also the problem CTC has to face. CTC meet a big challenge to fight in the cruel media war. Therefore, finding the fitness business model and strategy planning to work on MOD is the most important thing that CTC have to deal with. In this study, MOD is an object which is by means of the way of data analysis and the deep interview. The research will use Business Model and Strategy Planning as theory frame to collect the related information. It founds that MOD platform is becoming a big market attracting many business groups however, MOD still has to face the resistance to other competitors. Taking advantage of fibre-optic internet system to use the juncture of VOD and the HDTV, MOD has to actively expand the strategic alliances with other business to fit in with the various markets. Therefore, MOD can practice the value of business continuity to bring the beneficial result into effectiveness. Key Words:Digital Convergence, MOD, IPTV, Chunghwa Telecom Corporation, Business Model.



數位匯流, 多媒體隨選視訊, 網路電視, 中華電信, 經營模式





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