
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在了解汽車銷售員背景現況、探討銷售員背景因素 與管理者管理習性之關係, 研究結果後提出建議。 本研究係以採用問卷調查收集汽車銷售員背景與管理者管理 習性現況。首先透過文獻探討, 以瞭解管理習性之內涵。而領導 者本身行為的描述能從領導及其員工身上獲得(Yukl, 1995)。同 理,管理者的管理習性也會影響到銷售員的工作表現及工作態度。 本研究採用他評的方式來了解管理者管理習性, 並調查汽車 銷售員之本身背景, 分析銷售員背景因素是否對管理者管理習性 十四構面之影響及差異性。研究方法採相關文獻探討、修改國外 學者猶克爾(Yukl,1995)管理習性調查量表,並參考李景峰(民90) 與葉憲坤(民91)之調查量表, 訂出問卷而進行問卷調查。本研究 樣本數依據希爾(Hill,1998)所訂出之母群及樣本數,調查台北地 區汽車量前五名之廠家, 共施測113 家, 實際回收451 份問卷, 回收率78%, 資料透過平均數、標準差、信度分析、單因子變異 數及獨立樣本t 考驗等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致主要結論如下: 一、銷售員在目前營業所服務年資有57.3%服務年資在1-3 年,在 汽車相關行業服務年資統計表, 結果資料顯示有37.5%其服 務年資在1-3 年, 非汽車科系或相關科系畢業佔73.8%; 有 64.1%曾參加過該公司所開設之進修課程; 55.3%的銷售員未 參加過該公司以外之進修課程; 有45.5%未參加過管理類的 相關進修課程; 45.8%未參加過車輛相關專業研討會議; 有 88.1%未參加車輛相關專業組織團體、協會。 二、汽車銷售員之背景變項對管理者管理習性十四構面之影響性: 汽車相關行業服務年資之變項對傳達公司相關資訊、意 見討論、衝突管理、生涯輔導等構面有影響; 是否為汽車或 汽車相關科系畢業變項對監視督導、實質獎勵等構面有影 響; 是否參加過該公司開設之進修課程變項對參加社交活動 構面有影響; 是否參加車輛相關專業組織團體、協會變項對 讚美表揚構面有影響,其它變項對管理習性十四構面無影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to probe into present background of auto salesmen and investigated the relationship between their background and the managerial behavior of managers. Some suggestions were proposed in the end of the research. The adoption of questionnaires was to gather information of the present background of salesmen and managerial behavior of managers and primarily identified the contents of managerial behavior with document analysis. In addition, leader behavior description could be found from observation of leaders and workers (Yukl, 1995). Similarly, managerial behavior of managers would affect job performance and involvement of salesmen. The research introduced a way of others’ judgment to understand managerial behavior of managers, investigated the background of salesmen, and analyzed the influences and differences of salesmen’s background on fourteen dimensions of managerial behavior of managers. Furthermore the research used methods of document analysis, revision of measurement scale on managerial behavior established by Yukl (1995) and referenced to measurement scale of Li (2001) and Yeh (2002) to design the questionnaires and conducted a survey. Based on population and sample size of Hill (1988), sample size of this research was set up to investigate the top five brands of the volume of auto sales in Taiwan. The total number of branches under investigation was 113. The 451 copies of this questionnaire were retrieved with the retrieving rate of 78 percent. The data was analyzed via statistic methods, including Mean, Standard Deviation, Reliability Analysis, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Independent t-test. The main outcomes of the research are described as follows: 1. There are 57.3% salesmen with seniority of 1-3 years in branches. Service seniority listed in the related auto professions show that seniority of 37.5% salesmen ranging between 1-3 years. The 73.8% ones did not graduate from the Department of Auto Mechanics or studied related subjects. The 64.1% salesmen ever participate in refresher courses in firms and the 55.3% ones didn’t pursue further education outside firms. The 45.5% ones didn’t join in advanced programs in a field of management. The 45.8% ones didn’t participate in specialized symposiums in automotive. The 88.1% ones didn’t take part in the organizations and associations of vehicles. 2. The influences of the auto salesmen’s background in fourteen dimensions of managerial behavior of managers are demonstrated in the following: The variable of service seniority of the related auto professions show significant influence among four dimensions: including informing, consulting, managing conflict, and mentoring. The variable of salesmen graduating from the Department of Auto Mechanics or studied related subjects shows significant influence in monitoring and rewarding. The variable of ones participating in refresher courses organized by firms shows significant influence in networking. The variable of ones taking part in organizations and associations shows significant influence in recognizing. Other variables show no significant influence in managerial behavior of managers.en_US
dc.subjectautomotive Salesmenen_US
dc.subjectManagerial Behavioren_US
dc.titleA Study of Relationship Between the Automotive Salesmen’s Background and the Managerial Behaviors of Managersen_US

