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書寫筆記是有助於影片輔助學習的策略,該策略不僅可以做為課程紀錄,還能幫助學習者專注課程內容,進而促進其學習表現。然而,影片輔助學習過程中有效使用筆記並非易事,其中,書寫筆記的時機可能是影響筆記成效的重要因素。課中書寫筆記,及課後書寫筆記為最常見的兩種書寫筆記時機,就理論上而言,這兩種時機各有優劣,但卻尚未有研究探討不同書寫筆記的時機對影片學習的影響。有鑑於此,本研究欲探討有無使用筆記,以及書寫筆記的時機對學習的影響。 本研究使用具有旁白與字幕之動畫影片做為學習教材,主要操弄的變項為有無書寫筆記及書寫筆記時機。121位高中三年級學生被隨機分派至不同書寫筆記組合的三個組別:課中書寫組、課後書寫組、沒有書寫組,並測量其認知負荷、學習表現、學習效能、及筆記品質。在資料分析階段,針對有無筆記組別及筆記時機之認知負荷、學習表現、學習效能、及筆記品質進行比較分析。
Note-taking is a helpful strategy in video-assisted learning. It can not only serve as a course record but also make learners focus on the course, which can promote their learning performance. However, using notes as an effective strategy in the process of video-assisted learning is quite difficult, and the timing of note-taking may be an important factor affecting the notes’ efficiency. Taking notes during class and taking notes after class are the two most common ways when speaking to timings. In theory, these two timings have their advantages and disadvantages. However, there is no research exploring the effect of note-taking at different timings in video learning. In view of this, this study aims to evaluate the effect of whether to use note-taking or not and when to take notes for better learning performance.This study uses animation with narration and subtitles as the teaching material, and the main variables are whether to use note-taking or not and the timing of note-taking. 121 twelfth-grade students were randomly assigned to three note-taking groups: in-class taking group, after-class taking group, and no taking group, also measured their cognitive load, learning performance, learning efficiency, and note-taking quality. In the data analysis phase, the researcher analyzed the groups with or without note-taking, and the comparison of their cognitive load, learning performance, learning efficiency, and note-taking quality at different timing of note-taking.The results of the analysis showed that in terms of whether to use notes or not, the group with note-taking needed to spend more effort on learning, but failed to get a better learning performance. As to the timing of note-taking, there was no significant difference in learning performance between in-class group and after-class group. However, it was found from the note-taking quality, the in-class group was better than the after-class group, and the learning efficiency of in-class group was also better than after-class group. According to the results of correlation analysis between note-taking quality and learning performance, the in-class group's note-taking quality was positive correlation with learning performance, while the after-class group was no significant difference. Taking online notes is an emerging and complex task. Based on the results above, when instructors want to apply note-taking to video learning, it is necessary for them to understand whether the learners are familiar with online note-taking, and should give guidance so that learners can smoothly take notes to get better learning performance. On the other hand, thenote-taking quality will be better in the way of segmenting. In that way, learners can take notes instantly, and can code the information effectively through taking notes in class, so as to improve their learning performance. While executing the learning tasks, instructors should give the video lessons and note-taking tasks at the same time. Since taking notes is expected to consume more cognitive resources. It will give a heavy cognitive load on learners, if instructors separate the learning tasks. Therefore, to perform the learning tasks simultaneously so that learners can get a better learning efficiency.
Note-taking is a helpful strategy in video-assisted learning. It can not only serve as a course record but also make learners focus on the course, which can promote their learning performance. However, using notes as an effective strategy in the process of video-assisted learning is quite difficult, and the timing of note-taking may be an important factor affecting the notes’ efficiency. Taking notes during class and taking notes after class are the two most common ways when speaking to timings. In theory, these two timings have their advantages and disadvantages. However, there is no research exploring the effect of note-taking at different timings in video learning. In view of this, this study aims to evaluate the effect of whether to use note-taking or not and when to take notes for better learning performance.This study uses animation with narration and subtitles as the teaching material, and the main variables are whether to use note-taking or not and the timing of note-taking. 121 twelfth-grade students were randomly assigned to three note-taking groups: in-class taking group, after-class taking group, and no taking group, also measured their cognitive load, learning performance, learning efficiency, and note-taking quality. In the data analysis phase, the researcher analyzed the groups with or without note-taking, and the comparison of their cognitive load, learning performance, learning efficiency, and note-taking quality at different timing of note-taking.The results of the analysis showed that in terms of whether to use notes or not, the group with note-taking needed to spend more effort on learning, but failed to get a better learning performance. As to the timing of note-taking, there was no significant difference in learning performance between in-class group and after-class group. However, it was found from the note-taking quality, the in-class group was better than the after-class group, and the learning efficiency of in-class group was also better than after-class group. According to the results of correlation analysis between note-taking quality and learning performance, the in-class group's note-taking quality was positive correlation with learning performance, while the after-class group was no significant difference. Taking online notes is an emerging and complex task. Based on the results above, when instructors want to apply note-taking to video learning, it is necessary for them to understand whether the learners are familiar with online note-taking, and should give guidance so that learners can smoothly take notes to get better learning performance. On the other hand, thenote-taking quality will be better in the way of segmenting. In that way, learners can take notes instantly, and can code the information effectively through taking notes in class, so as to improve their learning performance. While executing the learning tasks, instructors should give the video lessons and note-taking tasks at the same time. Since taking notes is expected to consume more cognitive resources. It will give a heavy cognitive load on learners, if instructors separate the learning tasks. Therefore, to perform the learning tasks simultaneously so that learners can get a better learning efficiency.
筆記, 認知負荷, 學習表現, 筆記品質, 書寫時機, note-taking, cognitive load, learning performance, note-taking quality, timing of note-taking