

摘 要 本論文以語意網為藍圖,建構一結合自動化機構設計、機構運動功能(運動模式、週期、速度和動力來源等)、材料、製造及自動化控制回路為基礎的機電工程領域知識本體論,機電工程知識多樣且可從設計、運動功能、材料性質和製造方法等多角度來分析,而且領域知識通常是內隱而非外顯,必須透過專家的注釋,才能將內隱的知識轉換成一般人了解的外顯知識。就自動化設計而言,首先要有一個目的動作,為了達成此目的必然想出很多機構元件、連桿組合、動力來源及系統回路設計,接著再探討其利害得失,最後才得到機構設計圖。機電工程領域知識非常龐大,若此領域的知識要被參考及更新,必須具有強大知識庫做為後援,然而,透過本論文對機電工程領域知識本體論的研究與建構,可使專家得以對機電工程領域知識進行註記,使知識得以儲存、改進及再利用。 關鍵字:本體論、自動化機構、知識系統、語意網
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to create the ontology of the domain knowledge of “Mechatronic Engineering”, based on the existed semantic web environment, including automatic mechanism design, mechanical movement functions (movement modes, cycles, speed and power sources etc.), materials, manufacturing and the control circuits. The knowledge of Mechatronic Engineering is diverse and can be analyzed from many perspectives such as design, mechanism functions, material characteristics andmanufacturing processes. Besides, domain knowledge is usually implicit instead of explicit. Therefore, it requires extra notes from an expert before the implicit knowledge can be translated into explicit knowledge which become popularization. A function has to be defined first during automatic design phase. In order to accomplish this function, it is necessary to come up with a significant amount of mechanism components, combine connecting rod combinations and power sources as well as the system’s circuit design. Then, it is required to evaluate the benefits and shortcomings of the design methods before the designed mechanism can be employed. The knowledge of Mechatronic Engineering is huge and complicate. It must be equipped with a powerful knowledge base to serve the needs of reference and upgrowth. However, the accomplishment of this study will enable the experts to record annotations to the knowledge of Mechatronic Engineering so that the knowledge may be stored, updated and reused. Keyword:Ontology, Automatic Mechanism, Knowledge System ,Semantic Web.



本體論, 自動化機構, 知識系統, 語意網, Ontology, Automatic Mechanism, Knowledge System, Semantic Web





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