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一、 不同認知風格學習者的學習情緒、認知負荷、學習成效無顯著差異。
二、 不同鷹架數位遊戲式學習之內在認知負荷無顯著差異。
三、 嵌入鷹架之數位遊戲式學習,其正向學習情緒、增生認知負荷及學習成效顯著高於無鷹架數位遊戲式學習,負向學習情緒、外在認知負荷則顯著低於無鷹架數位遊戲式學習。
四、 不同鷹架數位遊戲式學習與不同認知風格之間存在交互作用。
五、 使用硬鷹架數位遊戲式學習時,序列型學習者各方面的學習表現顯著優於整體型學習者;使用軟鷹架數位遊戲式學習時,整體型學習者各方面的學習表現顯著高於序列型學習者。
六、 正向學習情緒與增生認知負荷、學習成效(效果、效率)呈現正相關,與負向學習情緒、外在認知負荷呈現負相關。
七、 提高正向學習情緒及增生認知負荷,會顯著提升學習成效(效果、效率);降低負向學習情緒與內在、外在認知負荷,會顯著提升學習成效(效果、效率)。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of different scaffolding digital game-based learning on learning emotions, cognitive load and learning performance of different cognitive style learners, as well as the correlation between learning emotions, cognitive load and learning performance. The research subjects were middle-aged and elder learners in community colleges. A total of 97 learners participated in this experiment, 34 of them assigned to the experimental group one (hard scaffolding digital game-based learning), 31 of them assigned to the experimental group two ( soft scaffolding digital game-based learning) and while the remaining 32 to the control group (non-scaffolding digital game-based learning). The main findings were as follows: 1. No statistically significant difference in learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance between the cognitive styles. 2. No statistically significant difference in intrinsic cognitive load was observed among the scaffolding digital game-based learning. 3. Digital game-based learning embedded in scaffolding had statistically significantly better positive learning emotion, germane cognitive load, learning performance and lower negative learning emotion and extraneous cognitive load than non-scaffolding digital game-based learning. 4. The interaction of different scaffolding digital game-based learning and different cognitive styles had statistically significant difference. 5. All aspect of learning performance of serialist learners was statistically significantly better than that of holist learners in hard scaffolding digital game-based learning. Otherwise,all aspect of learning performance of holist learners was statistically significantly better than that of serialist learners in soft scaffolding digital game-based learning. 6. Positive learning emotion was positively correlated with cognitive cognitive load, learning performance (effect and efficiency), and negatively correlated with negative learning emotion and extraneous cognitive load. 7. Increasing positive learning emotion and germane cognitive load would significantly improve learning performance (effect and efficiency), otherwise, reducing negative learning emotions, intrinsic cognitive load and extraneous cognitive load would significantly improve learning performance (effect and efficiency).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of different scaffolding digital game-based learning on learning emotions, cognitive load and learning performance of different cognitive style learners, as well as the correlation between learning emotions, cognitive load and learning performance. The research subjects were middle-aged and elder learners in community colleges. A total of 97 learners participated in this experiment, 34 of them assigned to the experimental group one (hard scaffolding digital game-based learning), 31 of them assigned to the experimental group two ( soft scaffolding digital game-based learning) and while the remaining 32 to the control group (non-scaffolding digital game-based learning). The main findings were as follows: 1. No statistically significant difference in learning emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance between the cognitive styles. 2. No statistically significant difference in intrinsic cognitive load was observed among the scaffolding digital game-based learning. 3. Digital game-based learning embedded in scaffolding had statistically significantly better positive learning emotion, germane cognitive load, learning performance and lower negative learning emotion and extraneous cognitive load than non-scaffolding digital game-based learning. 4. The interaction of different scaffolding digital game-based learning and different cognitive styles had statistically significant difference. 5. All aspect of learning performance of serialist learners was statistically significantly better than that of holist learners in hard scaffolding digital game-based learning. Otherwise,all aspect of learning performance of holist learners was statistically significantly better than that of serialist learners in soft scaffolding digital game-based learning. 6. Positive learning emotion was positively correlated with cognitive cognitive load, learning performance (effect and efficiency), and negatively correlated with negative learning emotion and extraneous cognitive load. 7. Increasing positive learning emotion and germane cognitive load would significantly improve learning performance (effect and efficiency), otherwise, reducing negative learning emotions, intrinsic cognitive load and extraneous cognitive load would significantly improve learning performance (effect and efficiency).
鷹架理論, 數位遊戲式學習, 認知風格, 學習情緒, 認知負荷, 學習成效, Scaffolding Theory, digital game-based learning, cognitive style, learning emotion, cognitive load, learning performance