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英語單字學習在第二外語學習上扮演著重要的角色。然而,傳統學校教學下建構的知識與資訊是去情境化、間接及抽象的,並且侷限在教室的情境之中。為了解決傳統教室情境內的問題,教學方式逐漸從行為主義轉變為情境式的教學法。隨著科技的發展,擴增實境 (augmented reality, AR) 因為擁有在真實世界中提供額外、情境式的資訊來輔助學習的作用與特色,成為實現情境學習的方式之一。本研究目的在於探討學習者的個人差異──不同的學習風格(場依賴∕獨立)與不同英文程度(高∕低)的學習者,在使用英語單字的行動擴增實境學習系統後,在學習成效及學習動機上是否有差異。本研究採用實驗法及訪談法。研究結果顯示:場依賴學習者使用行動擴增實際學習單字時有顯著的效益;學生本身英文程度高低在使用此方法學習時,並不顯著影響成效;另外學習風格以及英文高低程度之不同皆不影響學習動機。根據研究結果,學生之個人差異應被考量,並輔以情境式的教學來有效提昇學習成效與動機。
Mobile devices are now widely owned and available to the majority of people. While the affordances of mobile learning include supporting a more personalized, authentic, situated learning based on the findings of many studies, it’s crucial and urgent to start rethink pedagogy and learning using mobile devices. Additionally, as the concept of augmented reality (AR) enables learners to receive additional, valuable information in a real setting, this study, thus, aims to investigate the effect of a mobile-based augmented reality simulation learning system for English vocabulary acquisition on learners of different learning styles (field independence/dependence, FI/FD) and English proficiency (high/low) in terms of learning outcome and motivation. An experimental research design was used in this study to identify any differences between FI, FD students, and high/low English proficiency learners. The results showed that FD learners benefitted significantly from the mobile AR instruction on learning outcome; there was a borderline significant difference between high and low English proficiency learners on learning outcome; and neither learning styles nor English proficiency affected learning motivation after the mobile AR instruction was applied. From the findings of the present study, individual difference should be considered when a new instructional approach is applied in order to make learning more effective and motivating.



英文單字學習, 行動學習, 擴增實境, 情境學習, 學習風格, English vocabulary learning, mobile learning, augmented reality, situated learning, learning styles





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