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Hung-Chang Kuan
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美國國會議員對於台灣的支持,是否與台灣經由貿易與投資對其選區所帶來之經 濟利益有關?由於有關此一問題之既有文獻並不多見,而且在研究設計與方法上仍存 在改善的空間,因此本計畫將嘗試重新探討此一議題,並以Logit 回歸模型針對1979 年到2011 年期間,美國參眾兩院議員在與台灣有關的議案上的立場進行分析。本計畫 的研究成果除了對於深入探究這一少被討論的問題能產生貢獻之外,亦可對於決策者 在爭取美國國會議員的支持上提供參考。
Is U.S. congressional support for Taiwan associated with the constituency economic interests that are brought about by Taiwan’s investment and U.S. export to Taiwan? Not only the literature on this question is rare but existent research design and methods are also flawed. This project thus tries to reexamine this question by applying Logit analysis to the positions of U.S. Senators and Representatives on the Taiwan issue in the period of 1979 to 2011. In addition to contributing to this underexplored research question, the results of this project are also helpful for policymakers on consolidating U.S. congresspersons’ support for Taiwan.
Is U.S. congressional support for Taiwan associated with the constituency economic interests that are brought about by Taiwan’s investment and U.S. export to Taiwan? Not only the literature on this question is rare but existent research design and methods are also flawed. This project thus tries to reexamine this question by applying Logit analysis to the positions of U.S. Senators and Representatives on the Taiwan issue in the period of 1979 to 2011. In addition to contributing to this underexplored research question, the results of this project are also helpful for policymakers on consolidating U.S. congresspersons’ support for Taiwan.