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翻譯從業人員依服務形式大體上可分為口譯人員及筆譯人員,此二類同為翻譯從業人員,但有不同的工作型態,因此是否具備不同心理素質目前也未有定論。至今臺灣多數口筆譯者人格特質的相關研究,多是以口筆譯學生為研究對象,之前多項研究也多未將口譯專業及筆譯專業進行區分,或僅研究其中一個領域,由此可見目前臺灣翻譯領域針對性向測驗的相關研究仍有相當大的缺口,有待補足。故本研究應用邁爾斯──布里格斯性格分類法(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,簡稱MBTI),以修訂過的中文版量表,針對「口譯組在學生」、「專業口譯員」、「筆譯組在學生」、「專業筆譯員」,分析並比較各組的人格類型差異。得至以下結論:本研究共169個樣本中,有42位的人格類型為ISTJ(內向/感官/思考/判斷),約莫所有樣本的四分之一,因此ISTJ可稱為是具口筆譯淺質的大宗人格類型,且其中有高達94位受試者同時具備TJ(思考/判斷),可推測思考與判斷是多數有意從事口筆譯的人大多的傾向。再者,本研究還測出ISTJ(內向/感官/思考/判斷)及ESTJ(外向/感官/思考/判斷)兩者皆為專業口譯員相對多數的人格類型,共36位專業口譯員樣本中,兩種人格類型各有7人。而專業筆譯員最大宗的人格類型為ISTJ(內向/感官/思考/判斷),共94位專業筆譯員樣本中,ISTJ即占27人。可從有限的在學生樣本分析結果推論目前翻譯研究所筆譯組篩選學生的機制與標準的確可能找出具專業筆譯員人格類型的人才,但口譯組則未必能有效找出符合大部分專業口譯員人格類型的學生,這可能是因專業口譯員的工作內容往往更加複雜,致使選才上的困難。
Translators and interpreters both provide interlingual language services but through different mediums of communication. However, translators and interpreters are often defined as and categorized under the same type of occupation. No conclusion has been reached in regard to whether translators and interpreters have different personality profiles. To date, the majority of the studies on the personality traits of interpreters and translators in Taiwan have focused on students of interpretation and translation. They also have not made a distinction between the professions of interpretation and translation, or may have only studied one of the two fields. It can be seen that there still exists a considerable gap in the research of personality in the field of translation and interpretation. Therefore, this study has applied the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with an existing personality test in Chinese to analyze and compare the personality type differences of four groups of subjects, student interpreters, professional interpreters, professional translators, and student translators. The researcher concludes: 42 out of the total 169 subjects belong to the personality type of ISTJ (Introversion/Sensing/Thinking/Judging), which is about a quarter of all subjects. Therefore, it is inferred that ISTJ (Introversion/Sensing/Thinking/Judging) is the major personality type of people with potential as translators and interpreters. And 94 out of the total 169 subjects demonstrate more preference for both T and J, which indicates that Thinking and Judging are the major personality preferences of translators and interpreters. The two most frequent personality types of professional interpreters are ISTJ (Introversion/Sensing/Thinking/Judging) and ESTJ (Extraversion/Sensing/Thinking/Judging). In the total subjects of 36 professional interpreters, 7 interpreters belong to the two personality types respectively. The most frequent personality type of professional translators is ISTJ (Introversion/Sensing/Thinking/Judging). In the total subjects of 94 professional translators, 27 translators belong to the type. With the limited subjects of students, the study suggests that the interpretation and translation institute in Taiwan for selecting students are more likely to find the talents with the personality type of professional translators, but may not be able to effectively identify students who have the personality type of most professional interpreters due to the complexity and diversity of interpreters’ jobs.



人格類型, 口筆譯, 邁爾斯──布里格斯性格分類法, Personality Type, Interpretation and Translation, MBTI





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