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This study intended to explore the implementation process and the effects of differentiated instruction for the enhancement of Chinese reading comprehension abilities of junior high students. Based on literature review, the definition and principles of differentiated instruction and Chinese reading comprehension abilities were first analyzed. Then, the teacher-researcher used the design-based approach to develop as well as to investigate the differentiated instructional program for the enhancement of students’ Chinese reading comprehension. In order to achieve research goals, instructional plans were modified throughout the teaching process according to students’ learning progressions and teacher-researcher’s self-reflections. The research findings and conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1.There were four stages in the implementation of differentiated instruction, including: (1)Evaluating students’ entry levels: The teacher-researcher utilized standardized test results, observations and term examination scores to group students into three levels: higher, middle and lower, and used miscues analysis to understand the process of Chinese reading comprehension of different students. The outcomes of evaluation showed that students had different learning needs, therefore, teacher should set learning goals, organize contents and activities accordingly. (2)Preparing for teaching plans: The teacher-researcher collected evidences of students’ learning difficulties before teaching and used them as references when organizing learning contents. Then the teacher-researcher analyzed texts and designed worksheets to assist students interacting with texts and exercising their Chinese reading comprehension capacities. (3)Enacting instructional plans: Based on theories of differentiated instruction and Chinese instructional designs, the teacher-researcher developed differentiated instructional strategies, provided multiple learning opportunities and utilized dynamic assessments to help students enhancing their Chinese reading comprehension. Strategies of differentiated instruction could be responsive to students’ different learning needs through differentiations in content, process and/or product. (4)Examining learning effects: There were three aspects of learning effects to be examined, including: results of learning-goal achieved, the advancement of students’ Chinese reading comprehension and students’ satisfaction with learning. The teacher-researcher collected data through formative and summative assessments, post-test results of standardized tests and term examination scores, and students’ feedback. 2.After the implementation of differentiated instruction, students’ post-test scores of standardized tests were higher, scores of term examination also improved and most of them had positive learning experiences. The positive effects of differentiated instruction were very significant. 3.The supportive factors, such as teachers’ teaching preparation, students’ self-awareness of learning agency, and friendly classroom climate, all played an important role in the implementation of differentiated instruction. Finally, suggestions were provided to educational practitioners and researchers of Chinese reading comprehension instruction, as well as for future research on differentiated instruction.
This study intended to explore the implementation process and the effects of differentiated instruction for the enhancement of Chinese reading comprehension abilities of junior high students. Based on literature review, the definition and principles of differentiated instruction and Chinese reading comprehension abilities were first analyzed. Then, the teacher-researcher used the design-based approach to develop as well as to investigate the differentiated instructional program for the enhancement of students’ Chinese reading comprehension. In order to achieve research goals, instructional plans were modified throughout the teaching process according to students’ learning progressions and teacher-researcher’s self-reflections. The research findings and conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1.There were four stages in the implementation of differentiated instruction, including: (1)Evaluating students’ entry levels: The teacher-researcher utilized standardized test results, observations and term examination scores to group students into three levels: higher, middle and lower, and used miscues analysis to understand the process of Chinese reading comprehension of different students. The outcomes of evaluation showed that students had different learning needs, therefore, teacher should set learning goals, organize contents and activities accordingly. (2)Preparing for teaching plans: The teacher-researcher collected evidences of students’ learning difficulties before teaching and used them as references when organizing learning contents. Then the teacher-researcher analyzed texts and designed worksheets to assist students interacting with texts and exercising their Chinese reading comprehension capacities. (3)Enacting instructional plans: Based on theories of differentiated instruction and Chinese instructional designs, the teacher-researcher developed differentiated instructional strategies, provided multiple learning opportunities and utilized dynamic assessments to help students enhancing their Chinese reading comprehension. Strategies of differentiated instruction could be responsive to students’ different learning needs through differentiations in content, process and/or product. (4)Examining learning effects: There were three aspects of learning effects to be examined, including: results of learning-goal achieved, the advancement of students’ Chinese reading comprehension and students’ satisfaction with learning. The teacher-researcher collected data through formative and summative assessments, post-test results of standardized tests and term examination scores, and students’ feedback. 2.After the implementation of differentiated instruction, students’ post-test scores of standardized tests were higher, scores of term examination also improved and most of them had positive learning experiences. The positive effects of differentiated instruction were very significant. 3.The supportive factors, such as teachers’ teaching preparation, students’ self-awareness of learning agency, and friendly classroom climate, all played an important role in the implementation of differentiated instruction. Finally, suggestions were provided to educational practitioners and researchers of Chinese reading comprehension instruction, as well as for future research on differentiated instruction.
差異化教學, 國文閱讀理解能力, 設計本位研究法, differentiated instruction, Chinese reading comprehension, design-based research