Magnetic-to-Digital Converters Using Single-Amplifier-Based Second-Order Delta-Sigma Modulators
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Chien-Hung Kuo
Shr-Lung Chen
Shen-Iuan Liu
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
In this paper, two magnetic-to-digital converters
(MDCs) using single-amplifier-based second-order delta–sigma
modulators (DSMs) are presented to detect the dc magnetic field.
The proposed second-order DSM required only a single-operational amplifier to achieve the second-order noise shaping. Both
the proposed circuits have been fabricated in a 0.5- m CMOS
DPDM process, and the resolution of 11 bits can be achieved.
The measured sensitivities are 1.486 and 0.459 mV/mT, and the
minimum detectable magnetic fields are 0.6 mT and 0.4 mT for
the MDC with and without the pre-amplifier, respectively. Both
the measured nonlinearities are smaller than 1.3% within the
range of 100 mT.