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2019年5月17日臺灣成為亞洲第一個同志婚姻合法國家,也掀起大眾對於同志育兒的討論,對於同志是否為適切的父母、對子女的性別角色態度是否有不良影響,國外的研究已有相當多的研究及論述,但在臺灣還未有相關研究,因此本研究探討女同志家長與子女的性別角色態度,及其之間的關係,並以一對女同志家長與其10歲及5歲子女為研究對象。本研究採取質性研究方法之深度訪談、參與觀察及文件分析,研究資料包含訪談逐字稿、參與觀察紀錄、媒體公開資訊、女同志家長社群媒體內容,將以上資料進行分析,所得的結果如下:一、 女同志家長擁有非二元且平等的性別角色態度。二、 兒童階段的女同志家庭子女擁有彈性的性別角色態度,認為每個「人」在外在形象、玩具選擇、性別氣質及未來職業都不需受性別限制,家庭組成也不一定是一男一女,更反對加諸於女性的性別刻板,因此會主動反擊性別刻板的言論。三、 幼兒階段的女同志家庭子女受發展限制及環境影響,認為男、女之間有條明確且不容跨越的界線,但因其性別角色行為與性別角色態度有衝突,因此認為自己想當男生。四、 女同志家長不受性別框架的教養以及跳脫性別的親職示範傳遞性別角色態度給子女,但子女不一定會和家長同樣擁有開放的性別角色態度。基於研究結果,對教育人員、家長、未來研究提出學術與實務之建議,期望社會能嘗試拒絕刻板的性別角色態度,也對於女同志家庭有更多的認識。
On May 17, 2019, Taiwan became the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage and it also sparked public discussion about LGBT parenting. Though there has been a lot of research on whether LGBT can be appropriate parents and whether their sexual orientation have an adverse effect on their children’s gender role attitudes , there is no relevant research in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the gender-role attitudes of lesbian parents and their children, and also the relationship between them. The participant of this research is a lesbian family with their 10-year-old and 5-year-old children. This research uses qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews, observation, and document collection. Qualitative data include interviews transcripts, observation records, public materials in the media, and also communication records.The findings can be summarized as such: (1) Lesbian parents have flexible gender-role attitudes, and believe that gender is not binary and also believe in gender equality. (2) The 10-year old child of lesbian families has flexible gender-role attitudes. She opposes any gender stereotype of women and believes every person’s appearance, toy choices, gender temperament, and career choices do not need to be restricted by gender stereotype. Also, she thinks that the composition of the family can be not a male and a female. (3) The 5-year-old child of lesbian families has stereotyped gender-role attitude and can not accept cross-gender behaviors. However, she likes to do things that normally boys do. Her gender-role behavior conflicts with her gender-role attitudes, so she wants to be a boy. (4) Lesbian parents transmit their gender-role attitudes to their children through their parenting and parenthood, but their children may not have the same gender-role attitudes as their parents.Based on the results, the study offers academic and practical suggestions to teachers, parents , and future studies, with the hope that people can try to reject stereotyped gender-role attitudes and know more about lesbian family.
On May 17, 2019, Taiwan became the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage and it also sparked public discussion about LGBT parenting. Though there has been a lot of research on whether LGBT can be appropriate parents and whether their sexual orientation have an adverse effect on their children’s gender role attitudes , there is no relevant research in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the gender-role attitudes of lesbian parents and their children, and also the relationship between them. The participant of this research is a lesbian family with their 10-year-old and 5-year-old children. This research uses qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews, observation, and document collection. Qualitative data include interviews transcripts, observation records, public materials in the media, and also communication records.The findings can be summarized as such: (1) Lesbian parents have flexible gender-role attitudes, and believe that gender is not binary and also believe in gender equality. (2) The 10-year old child of lesbian families has flexible gender-role attitudes. She opposes any gender stereotype of women and believes every person’s appearance, toy choices, gender temperament, and career choices do not need to be restricted by gender stereotype. Also, she thinks that the composition of the family can be not a male and a female. (3) The 5-year-old child of lesbian families has stereotyped gender-role attitude and can not accept cross-gender behaviors. However, she likes to do things that normally boys do. Her gender-role behavior conflicts with her gender-role attitudes, so she wants to be a boy. (4) Lesbian parents transmit their gender-role attitudes to their children through their parenting and parenthood, but their children may not have the same gender-role attitudes as their parents.Based on the results, the study offers academic and practical suggestions to teachers, parents , and future studies, with the hope that people can try to reject stereotyped gender-role attitudes and know more about lesbian family.
女同志家庭, 女同志家長, 女同志家庭子女, 性別角色態度, lesbian families, lesbian parents, children of lesbian families, gender-role attitudes