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高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍 (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering, HIPIMS)是目前最新的濺鍍製膜技術,與傳統的直流磁控濺鍍 (Dielectric Current Magnetron Sputtering, DCMS)相比,HIPIMS有著在極短的脈衝時間內讓靶材單位功率密度達到數 kW/cm2以上的特性,另外還能產生出很高的電漿密度並有效增加靶材金屬離化率,生成的薄膜也有著較好的品質,因為這些特質,本研究將使用 HIPIMS與 DCMS系統分別沉積 MOS電容中的介電層。
二氧化鋯是一具有高介電係數 (約在19-25之間)、寬能隙寬能隙 (5.1-7.8 eV)及高熱穩定度之特性的材料,因此選擇二氧化鋯去做為試片的介電層,最後再鍍上TiN作為金屬層,在 800度的快速熱退火之後,觀察該電容器的物性。接著,對試片電容沉積鋁電極以量測電性,因此本研究的試片結構為Al/ TiN/ ZrO2/ p-Si。實驗結果顯示HIPIMS技術優秀的離子解離率可以使ZrO2的結構更加完整、內部的缺陷也比較少,因此有比較好的電容值表現。物性方面,HIPIMS所濺鍍出的電容一樣會形成更加緻密的薄膜進而提高其機械性質,在硬度值有所增加,有效的改善薄膜硬度。
最後,綜合作比較,可以發現雖然電容值與硬度兩者的改變差異沒有完全的相同,但是在整個趨勢上是相當近似的,因此從量測介電層的硬度就可以推測出電容值的走向,而電容值的改變也可以進一步推斷出IDsat的趨勢,如此就可以於完成製作 MOSFET電晶體前,提前達到製程優化。
High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS) is the latest coating technology. Compared with the traditional Dielectric Current Magnetron Sputtering (DCMS), it was characterized for a very short pulse width making peak power density to several kW/cm2. In addition, HIPIMS can provide high plasma density (1019 m-3) and high metallic-ion density. Because of these characteristics, this study used both HIPIMS and DCMS to deposit the dielectric layer on the MOS capacitors. ZrO2 is a material with the properties of high dielectric constant (~19-25), wide band gap (5.1-7.8 eV), and stable thermal stability. So we selected ZrO2 as the dielectric layer of MOS capacitors and TiN as the metal layer. After rapid thermal annealing (RTA) annealing at 800 ℃, we observed the physical characteristics of MOS capacitors. Then we coated aluminum as the electrode, followed by measurement of electrical properties. Hence the structure of the MOS capacitors is Al/ TiN/ ZrO2/ p-Si. The results showed that the ionization of HIPIMS can improve the quality of ZrO2 layers and therefore the capacitors result in a better electrical property. Moreover, HIPIMS also effectively increase the film hardness.
High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS) is the latest coating technology. Compared with the traditional Dielectric Current Magnetron Sputtering (DCMS), it was characterized for a very short pulse width making peak power density to several kW/cm2. In addition, HIPIMS can provide high plasma density (1019 m-3) and high metallic-ion density. Because of these characteristics, this study used both HIPIMS and DCMS to deposit the dielectric layer on the MOS capacitors. ZrO2 is a material with the properties of high dielectric constant (~19-25), wide band gap (5.1-7.8 eV), and stable thermal stability. So we selected ZrO2 as the dielectric layer of MOS capacitors and TiN as the metal layer. After rapid thermal annealing (RTA) annealing at 800 ℃, we observed the physical characteristics of MOS capacitors. Then we coated aluminum as the electrode, followed by measurement of electrical properties. Hence the structure of the MOS capacitors is Al/ TiN/ ZrO2/ p-Si. The results showed that the ionization of HIPIMS can improve the quality of ZrO2 layers and therefore the capacitors result in a better electrical property. Moreover, HIPIMS also effectively increase the film hardness.
高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍, 二氧化鋯, 奈米壓痕試驗機, 電容, HIPIMS, ZrO2, Nano indenter, Capacitance