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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學組織創新氣氛與創新績效之現況,進而探討不同個人背景變項與學校背景變項之教育人員所知覺之組織創新氣氛與創新績效之差異情形,最後依據研究結果提出建議供相關單位及人員參考。 本研究以問卷調查法進行,經文獻整理後研究者編製「臺北市國民小學組織創新氣氛與創新績效之現況調查問卷」做為研究工具,並以143所臺北市公立國民小學為研究母群,採分層隨機抽樣方式選取樣本。共發出550份問卷,其中有效問卷為453份,有效問卷回收率為82%。本研究以Spss for Windows 19.0版本進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法加以處理。 研究結果經統計分析與討論後,獲致之研究結論如下: 一、國民小學教育人員所知覺之組織創新氣氛為中等程度,其中以「校長領 導」層面知覺程度最佳。 二、國民小學教育人員所知覺之組織創新績效為中等程度,其中以「學生展能」層面知覺程度最佳。 三、男性、年長、高學歷、兼行政職及資深教育人員所知覺之組織創新氣氛與創新績效較佳。 四、不同學校規模教育人員所知覺之組織創新氣氛以及創新績效無顯著差異。 五、校史未滿20年教育人員所知覺之學校資源的開發與運用較佳。 六、教育人員知覺到學校曾獲全國學校創新經營獎對組織創新氣氛與創新績效 的知覺程度顯著高於認知學校未獲獎及不清楚之教育人員。 七、組織創新氣氛與創新績效具有高度正相關。 八、組織創新氣氛對創新績效具高度預測力,其中以「充分資源」層面預測力最高。 本研究依據研究發現與結論,針對教育行政機關、國民小學、教師以及未來研究分別提出建議以供參考。
The main propose of this research is to explore the current situation between organizational innovation climate and innovation performance at elementary schools in Taipei city, and seek to understand the different perceptions on organizational innovation climate and innovation performance among the staff in elementary schools from different background variables. At last, according to the findings of the research, the researcher provides suggestion for the relative sections or members. In the study the questionnaire survey was adopted. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire named “The current situation questionnaire for organizational innovation climate and innovation performance at elementary schools in Taipei City” was developed as the study tool. The questionnaires were delivered to school staff of 143 public elementary schools in Taipei city, and the stratified random sampling method was employed to select samples. The amount of the delivered questionnaires is about 550, 453 and of the 550 questionnaires sent were effective, and the valid ratio is about 82%. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was the SPSS for Windows vision 19.0. The obtained data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. After analyzed and discussed the collected data, the results of this study are as follows: 1.The staff in elementary schools perceived an intermediate level on organizational innovative climate. Among all aspects of organizational innovation climate, “principal leaderships” aspect is scored the highest. 2.he staff in elementary schools perceived an intermediate level on organizational innovative performance. Among all aspects of organizational innovation performance, “students’ ability” aspect is scored the highest. 3.Male, older, higher educational background, in charge of administrational, and senior teachers have better awareness of organizational-innovation climate and innovation performance. 4.No significant differences of the perception of organizational innovation climate and innovation performance exist in the elementary school staff with the different school size. 5.The history of a school is less than 20 years of school staff have a better perception about the schools’ resource exploitation and utilization. 6.The perception of organizational innovation climate and innovation performance for the school stuff who thinks their school once won the prize of Innoschool was substantially higher than those not awarded. 7.There is a high positive correlation between organizational-innovation climate and innovation performance. Organizational innovation climate have the high degree of predictability to innovation performance, the construct of the ample resource is the most significant predictor for innovation performance.



組織創新氣氛, 組織創新績效, organizational innovation climate, organizational innovation performance





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