dc.contributor | 張雪梅 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 高麗華 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T07:20:30Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-2-21 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T07:20:30Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究之目的主要在瞭解我國大學商管學院大學生之實習經驗、就業力情形;並比較不同個人背景變項之大學生其實習經驗之差異情形;不同個人背景變項之大學生其就業力面向之差異情形;接著進一步探討不同實習經驗之大學生其就業力面向之差異情形;最後探究大學生個人背景變項、實習經驗對就業力之預測力。本研究採用問卷調查法,其問卷內容主要分為:實習經驗、就業力、個人基本資料及開放式問題四部份。研究樣本是以台北地區六所公私立大學商管學院日間部學生為對象,問卷共發出1 ,060份,回收948份,有效問卷945份。本研究主要結果如下: 一、大學生實習狀況:大學期間曾有過校內外實習經驗的比例偏低,僅佔16.9%;大多數從事與本身大學主修領域相關之實習;實習的類型以參加企業實習佔多數;累積的實習時間以2個月(含)以上未滿6個月居多數;實習期間機構有給付薪酬者佔約7成;另有八成的實習機構會安排專人督導;對於實習機構所提供的工作內容、領導管理、實習所獲得的專業知識及實習所獲得的技能的滿意程度約有六成左右大學生感到滿意及非常滿意;實習工作時間的安排及實習經驗對個人職涯發展的幫助,則有近七成的大學生感到滿意及非常滿意;滿意程度最高者則是與實習機構同事的相處情況。 二、大學生自認為本身具備整體的就業力,是介於「普通」與「充足」之間的程度;在就業力各面向,依大學生自認為具備之平均得分高低來排序,依次為「態度責任」、「組織適應」、「開創發展」、「情緒穩定」、「人際領導」。 三、不同性別、年級、學校類型、不同實習動機及家庭社經地位的大學生的實習滿意度有差異。 四、不同性別、年級、學校類型、不同實習動機及家庭社經地位的大學生在就業力「態度責任」、「開創發展」、「組織適應」、「人際領導」、「情緒穩定」各面向上都有差異。 五、有無實習經驗、是否與主修領域相關、累積實習時間、實習機構是否給付薪酬、工作時間安排及對個人職涯發展幫助在就業力不同面向上有差異。 六、實習單位滿意度對於整體就業力及就業力「情緒穩定」面向有解釋力;與主修相關、實習單位滿意度平均數對就業力「態度責任」面向有解釋力;性別、實習動機為累積相關工作經驗對就業力「開創發展」面向有解釋力;累積的實習時間對就業力「人際領導」面向有解釋力。 七、依據開放式問題之填答內容,大學生肯定學校或業界重視大學生的實習理由以「學生可累積經驗、瞭解工作性質、適應職場、有助未來就業」及「學校積極促成」合佔持肯定理由的近七成為最高;另大學生肯定大學期間實習能增進就業所需能力以「累積工作經驗、培養就業能力、為未來作準備」及「了解就業環境、減少調適期」佔肯定理由的76.89%為最高。 本研究依據研究結論,對學生、學校職涯輔導單位、政府相關單位及企業機構,與後續研究提出建議,以作為大學生參與實習及提升就業力之參考。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The study aims to understand internship experience and competence of employability of university students from college of management in Taiwan by comparing the differences of above-mentioned issues under personal background variables, further discussion of different employability under different internship experience, and lastly, the prediction of personal background variables and internship experience towards employability, with a questionnaire divided into the situation of internship experience,competence of employability, personal information and open-ended questions. The objects are daytime students from public and/or private universities of college of management in northern Taiwan; while 948 copies of 1,060 copies are returned eventually and 945 copies of which are effective samples. The significant findings are shown as follows: A. The situation of internship experience: A low proportion of internship experience exists during the studies internally and/or externally; most of students have relevant internship experience to their majors. Enterprise internship is the main type of internship; periods of internship lasts mostly from two to less than six months and 70 percent of university students get paid during their internship. In addition, 80 percent of university students are taught and supervised by experienced staff from the enterprises; roughly 60 percent of them are fairly satisfied or satisfied with their job duties, leadership management, professional knowledge and skills they obtain from the internship. Nearly 70 percent of them are fairly satisfied or satisfied with the fact that internship experience benefits their personal career planning; experience gained from how to get along with colleagues during the internship receives the highest degree of satisfactory. B. University students assume that their competence of employability is between“average” and “sufficient”, while the mean score of “attitudes and responsibilities” is the highest of all dimensions and “adaptability”,“innovation and development”,“emotional stability” and “interpersonal relationships and leadership” come in second, third, fourth and fifth respectively. C. The degree of satisfactory with internship is influenced by gender, grade, types of university, motive and family socio-economic status. D. The gender, grade, types of university, motive and family socio-economic status have a noticeable impact on “attitudes and responsibilities”, “adaptability”, “innovation and development”, “interpersonal relationships and leadership” and“emotional stability.” E. The internship experience, major-related internship, periods of internship and whether salary is included or not affect the aspects of competence of employability. F. Interns’ satisfactory with the enterprises plays the major role of explanation for overall competence of employability and the aspect of “emotional stability”, while major-related internship and the average of interns’ satisfactory with the enterprises highly illustrate the aspect of “attitudes and responsibilities.” Gender and motive for gaining relevant job experience also play the major role of explanation for the aspect of “innovation and development”, while periods of internship highlight the aspect of “interpersonal relationships and leadership.” G. Based on the answers to open-ended questions, university students agree the reason why universities or enterprises put emphasis on internship experience of university students; among the factors, nearly 70 percent of students approve of the reasons “students can gain experience, understand the duties of jobs, get used to work place and benefit their future career” and “universities promote internship positively.” Besides, university students consent to the facts that internship can enhance the competence of employability during college studies; “obtaining job experience, cultivating the competence of employability, preparation for the future” and “understanding the environment of work place, shortening the period of adaption” take the highest account, 76.89 percent of university students. The study hereby proposes based on the results for students, universities career consulting units, relevant government entities and enterprises as well as further research in terms of university students’ reference to internship and improvement on their competence of employability. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 公民教育與活動領導學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | GN0097073107 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097073107%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88382 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 大學生 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 就業力 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 實習情形 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 實習滿意度 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | university students | en_US |
dc.subject | competence of employability | en_US |
dc.subject | internship experience | en_US |
dc.subject | internship satisfactory | en_US |
dc.title | 大學商管學院學生實習經驗與就業力關係之研究—以北區大學校院學生為例 | zh_TW |
dc.title | A Study of Relationship between Internship Experience of University Students from College of Management and Their Potential Competence of Employability-Take Students in Northern Taiwan Universities for Example | en_US |
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