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本計畫擬透過身心障礙者的生活需求調查、福利服務措施概況、公務統計等次級資料,分析25縣市身心障礙福利需求,以及身心障礙相關福利與服務(現況、實物與服務)現況(定位、給付要件、提供流程與需求滿足間之關係)。依據身心障礙者權益保障法規定須建構需求評估指標之服務項目,盤點25個縣市的資源,包括:1.在服務項目及內容,呈現申請資格、給付水準(福利內容)、服務供給情形;2.人力資源,包含提供服務人力多寡、人力資源配置情形、專業服務人力占所有人力資源之比例;3.財務資源部分含年度預算分配情形、預決算差異分析;4.轄內民間團體可提供服務情形;5.給付的公平性、不均、困難等。並因應未來ICF制度提出全國性及25縣市資源規劃,進行政策規劃建議「所需服務資源之缺口」、「需開發之項目」、「人力與財務之資源配置與調整」等政策方向。 關鍵詞:身心障礙、需求分析、資源盤點、福利服務
Need analyses of people with disability, resources of welfare service And policy making Abstract The study is aimed to understand the service needs of people with disabilities, resources what the local governments could offer and make recommendations of policy making in terms of evidenced-based data for the governments. This study will analysis the past few years’ surveys, researches and reports about disability living demand. The study will also examine resources what the local governments have offered or could offer in terms of interviews, surveys, and focus meetings with the relative people et al., Finally, the study will generate recommendations of policy , under which the services are provide are consistent with the requirements in the Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act. Keywords: disability; need analyses; resource; welfare services; disability policy making
Need analyses of people with disability, resources of welfare service And policy making Abstract The study is aimed to understand the service needs of people with disabilities, resources what the local governments could offer and make recommendations of policy making in terms of evidenced-based data for the governments. This study will analysis the past few years’ surveys, researches and reports about disability living demand. The study will also examine resources what the local governments have offered or could offer in terms of interviews, surveys, and focus meetings with the relative people et al., Finally, the study will generate recommendations of policy , under which the services are provide are consistent with the requirements in the Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act. Keywords: disability; need analyses; resource; welfare services; disability policy making