dc.contributor | 顏妙桂 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 呂佳容 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T07:50:57Z | |
dc.date.available | 2005-2-21 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T07:50:57Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2005 | |
dc.description.abstract | 摘要 本研究旨在探討「大學生音樂休閒體驗與自我統合歷程」,包含了解大學生音樂休閒體驗歷程及其內涵,音樂休閒體驗的重要影響因素,大學生在音樂休閒體驗中對其自我統合的建構所產生的影響,最後提出有助於大學生自我統合發展的建議,以提供未來實施音樂休閒及相關休閒輔導之參考。 本研究採質性研究,以半結構的問題,深度訪談六位大學生參與音樂休閒的相關經驗。研究結果如下: 一、 大學生音樂休閒體驗歷程經過啟蒙探索期、音樂訓練期、主動學習期、升學壓力期、多元接觸期、自信發揮期等時期。 二、音樂休閒體驗內涵包括音樂休閒覺知、音樂休閒技能、音樂休閒資源以及音樂心流經驗。在音樂休閒覺知方面:透過音樂休閒體驗研究參與者能夠體察其對自我心靈層面、生理層面的影響,音樂具有社交功能,提供知覺想像、移情作用、體現協和之美,使個人覺知自由,從中得到成就滿足。在音樂休閒技能方面:透過音樂訓練反應,能夠分析、安排、調整、設定目標、循序漸進的練習。在音樂休閒資源方面:知道如何運用、安排資源。此外,在音樂休閒體驗中挑戰與技能達到平衡,在表演中觀眾的立即回饋,使研究參與者出神入化、享受其中,產生心流經驗。 三、音樂休閒體驗重要影響因素包括啟蒙時期、個人因素、原生家庭、同儕力量、重要他人、宗教力量、校園因素等,休閒為生活面向的整合。音樂學習的關鍵時期在幼兒時期,此時期音樂基礎教育對日後音樂學習具有重要性,研究參與者被動參與或自發學習對音樂體驗歷程有所影響。個人因素包括音樂天份、樂理基礎、休閒時間的規劃安排、個人在音樂上遇到的瓶頸。原生家庭的支持與否是研究參與者持續參與的重要力量。音樂休閒體驗成為人際互動的重要媒介。重要他人的影響,尤以音樂指導老師為主。此外,透過音樂讚頌神,感受神的恩典,音樂在宗教上表現特別的感染力。音樂休閒是高社經背景的產物。校園因素包括學校社團相關規定、社團的吸引力以及校園文化的限制。 四、音樂休閒體驗對自我統合發展的影響包含個人認同、社會認同、角色認同及其在生命歷程中的意義。透過音樂表現出研究參與者的獨特性、優越性。由他人的正面評價、偶然表現、與眾不同、形成一種認同的標誌、從中建立自信心和成就感。透過音樂休閒體驗形成領導者、學習者角色認同。經由音樂對自我有更多的認識、進而能夠自我評估音樂能力、產生自我印象,並透過音樂學習成長、自我肯定,在過程中反思學習,並期許自己在未來的表現,連結過去的我、現在的我和未來的我,使自我具有延續感和穩定感。研究參與者由音樂休閒體驗中了解到「我是誰」及在生命歷程中對成人世界的體認,在交互作用的影響下,豐富個體的生活,開拓人生的視野。 本研究亦根據上述結果,針對大學生自我統合發展、親職教育、音樂休閒教育、休閒輔導及音樂休閒資源提出若干建議。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the process of ego-identity development for college students through music leisure experiences. The research questions included:What was the process of music leisure experiences? What were the contents of music leisure experiences? What were the related factors of music leisure experiences? What were the effects of music leisure experiences on the ego-identity for college students? Adapting the qualitative research method, the study was based on in-depth interviews with six college students on their music leisure experiences. The major conclusions of this study were found as follows: 1. The process of music leisure experiences were by the stage of initial exploring phase, music training phase, active learning phase, school advancing stress phase, multifarious touching phase, and confidence amplifying phase. 2. The contents of music leisure experience included music leisure awareness, music leisure skills, music leisure resources, and music flow experiences. a. Leisure awareness that associated with feeling joyful and free in music leisure. b. The college students were self-redirect and goal-oriented in training their music skills and allocated their resources well. c. Optimal experiences were characterized by a loss of awareness, and receiving some positive response in the immersion of flow. 3. The related factors of music leisure experience included initial themes, individual factors, original family, significant others, religion, and school culture factors. Leisure is one integrated dimension of life, not a separate or residual category. 4. The effects of music leisure experience on ego-identity for college students included personal identity, social identity, role identity, and life span. The college students defined themselves through music leisure. Leisure was both personal and social in meaning. a. They presented themselves in a role, development and established an identity. b. The study found how the past, present and future came together in the music leisure, which was always reflexive in setting out the courses of their lives. Finally, the suggestions to future related researches and counseling were discussed based on the research findings. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 公民教育與活動領導學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | N2005000033 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000033%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88735 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 音樂休閒體驗 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 自我統合 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | junior high school | en_US |
dc.subject | ego-identity | en_US |
dc.title | 音樂心世界-大學生音樂休閒體驗與自我統合歷程之研究 | zh_TW |
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