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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市一所國民中學創新經營優質學校的歷程與作法,探討個案學校面對家長與學生教育選擇權,努力提升學校競爭力之時,如何運用創新經營策略,找出學校亮點,發展學校特色,終以優質學校之姿,創造學校品牌。 研究者採用個案研究法,以臺北市閃亮國中為研究對象,以半結構訪談為主,文件分析法、參與觀察為輔,進行相關文件資料的蒐集,並加以歸納分析。訪談對象為個案學校校長、行政人員、教師及學生。從研究中可見個案學校創新經營發展優質學校之理念與策略,最後依研究結論提出相關建議,供學校創新經營優質學校之參考。歸納研究結果獲得以下結論: 一、個案學校穩健變革的創新經營歷程:試探期階段-建構學校優質發展藍圖,確定學校發展方向;導入期階段-主動積極尋求師生成長之資源,創新發展課程特色;深化期階段-永續創新發展,創造競爭優勢的藍海策略。 二、個案學校善用創新經營之策略,發展優質學校,採取的策略為行政管理活化創新策略、課程教學設計創新策略、教師專業發展創新策略、學生多元學習創新策略、學校學習文化創新策略、資源環境建構創新策略。 三、個案學校創新經營發展優質學校過程中面臨的困境主要為組織趨於穩定傳統,較無創新變革動力、學校特色不明顯,影響競爭力、缺乏經費及資源挹注,不利學校發展。 四、個案學校面臨創新經營發展優質學校之困境時採取的因應之道:以關懷讚美啟發專業對話引導教師主動改變意念、積極發展學校特色建立學校品牌形象、尋求經費資源解決經費資源短絀問題。 依據上述研究發現與結論,提出具體建議供學校單位、教育行政機關及後續研究者參考。
The purpose of this study is to understand the history and practices of an innovative Junior High school in Taipei City, how the school uses innovative business strategies to showcase its strengths, how it establishes its reputation and stands out from other countless educational choices parents and students may have. Finally, it looks at how the school manages to develop its own unique characteristics and ultimately create a high quality school brand. The research is an indepth case study on a reputable Junior High School in Taipei City. The research includes conducting semi-structured interviews, document analysis, participation observation, collecting relevant documents and materials,and a summary of the findings mentioned above. The interviewees are principals, administrators, and teachers form the chosen school. From the research, we are able to see the concept and strategy of the school’s innovative management and development of its quality branding. Finally, the research findings provide relevant suggestions which can be used as a model for the other schools to adapt an innovate and approach and increase its quality. Following are results gathered from the case study: I. The case school’s process of the steady reform and innovative business strategies. Trial period - constructing the blueprint for the school’s future growth, determining the direction of its development; Introduction period - actively seeking teaching resources and creating innovative curriculums. Final stage – working on sustainablility and creating future blueprint to ensure the success of its school. II. Case schools know how to make good use of innovative business strategies to build a top quality school. Following are some strategies they implement:strategies to activate administrative management strategy, curriculum design and innovation strategy, teacher professional development and innovation strategy, student diversity learning innovation strategy, school learning culture innovation strategy, resource environment construction innovation strategy. III. The biggest difficulty faced by case school during its developmental stage is the tendency of falling back into a traditional route. There is a lack of innovation to change and to stay innovative. Schools also lose its defining characteristics which lower its competitiveness., A lack of funding and resources are also major factors that contribute to its decline. IV. The case school is faced with the response to the predicament of innovative management of quality schools: caring praise Inspiring professional dialogue to guide teachers to actively change their minds, actively develop school characteristics and establish a school brand image and seek financial resources to solve the problem of short-term funding resources. Based on the above findings and conclusions, specific recommendations are made for reference by school units, educational administrations, and follow-up researchers.



創新經營, 學校特色, 優質學校, innovative management, school characteristics, quality schools





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