

一項計畫周詳的教育政策,在實際的運作中難免會遭遇到一些困難,因此透過對教育政策的實施督導,不斷發現問題;檢討與改進,是不可或缺的工作。臺北市國中技藝教育學程實施成效大而問題也多,深具有研究價值。而目前有關國中技藝教育學程之研究或著作雖然不少,但是臺北市推動國中技藝教育學程,仍在不斷發展修正中,頗值得關心者投入耕耘。因此,本研究以臺北市國中技藝教育學程實施現況之研究為題,進行調查研究。 本研究採問卷調查方式針對臺北市教育行政機關人員6位,辦理技藝教育國民中學68所及職業學校(含高中附設職業類科)12所學校,各校校長1位、主任或組長2位、輔導教師1位及專任教師(含兼導師)2位填寫,受試者從非常同意到非常不同意,計分方式係按4分、3分、2分、1分,最後計算各構面及總量表得分,得分越高,表示實施成效越好。 本研究綜合歸納,獲得結論如下:各校每週開設技藝教育學程之課程選修時數以3-6小時者最高。臺北市國中技藝教育學程開設之選修職群數每學期至少應有職群數目以2個職群為最高。因應環境發展趨勢,為推展技藝教育,教育主管機關或學校應加強辦理措施,以得分高低依序為學生輔導、師資培訓、課程教材研編、宣導、設備改善。甄選方式應尊重學生意願,其次性向測驗、導師推薦、家長期望,最後是技藝競賽。各校應提供技藝教育學生各類輔導,其中以生涯輔導得分最高;其次為生活輔導;最後是課業輔導。
An educational policy, even though very sound and comprehensive, might still run into some difficulties in the course of the hands-on practice. It is, therefore, advisable to locate problems, conduct reassessment and betterment continually and uninterruptedly through superintendence over the educational policies. These efforts are virtually indispensable. The technical education programs have been implemented onto junior high schools in Taipei City and have brought up constructive fruits and have, meanwhile, run into quite a few problems. These issues are worth further studies. There might be quite a lot of research programs and writings about technical education program for junior high schools. The technical education programs are still under continual and uninterrupted implementation in junior high schools in Taipei City. That suggests the subject issues are still worth further concern and efforts. In the present study, therefore, the subjects’d like to take the status quo in enforcement of technical education programs for junior high schools in Taipei City as the key subject for survey and research. In the present study, It conducted questionnaire surveys over 6 government officers serving in the educational authorities in Taipei City, 68 junior high schools that implement technical education programs and 12 vocational schools (including senior high schools with vocational education programs) in Taipei City, with one principal, two depeducationment directors or section chiefs, one consulting teacher and two full-time teachers (including those serving as homeroom teachers concurrently) for each school. The picked samples were asked to answer questions to indicate the degrees of their agreement, scoring 4, 3, 2, 1. It summed up the total scores at last. The higher the scores, the better the performance in the implementation. Summing up the subject study, the goals obtain such conclusions: In most cases of the sample schools, there offer technical education programs for 3-6 hours every week. The junior high schools in Taipei City provide technical education programs for two vocational groups minimum every semester in most cases. To live up to the trends of the environmental development, for better implementation of technical education, the competent authority of education or the schools should put forth added efforts to render consultation upon students, educational& training programs for schoolteachers, writing and editing of curricular programs, publicity and betterment of equipment & facilities, based on the scoring rates. In the process of selection, the conclusions should honor students’ desire, then aptitude test, homeroom teachers’ recommendation, parents’ expectation and, finally, technological contests. Schools are advised to provide students with various technical education oriented guidance. Among all aspects, career guidance got the highest score, as followed by guidance for life and finally, academic study guidance.



技藝教育, 國中技藝教育學程, 實施成效, technical education, technical education program for junior high schools, performance in implementation





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