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在光纖毛細管(FOCap)內塗佈奈米複合材料,透過局部表面電漿共振(LSPR)量測揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)之含量,並成功串聯氣相層析儀(GC)做為氣相層析偵測器。為了使偵測器能夠應用於微小化氣相層析系統,本研究使用低功率的發光二極體(LED)搭配鎖相放大器(LIA)增強光電二極體之訊號。在FOCap中分別塗佈受中孔洞二氧化矽保護的奈米金粒子複合材料(SiO2@AuNPs)和受碳鏈保護的奈米金粒子於多孔聚合物內(C12-AuNPs@poly(GMA-EDMA))作為感測材料,使用光譜儀測量LSPR吸收光譜,光譜的變化量足以偵測VOCs且吸脫附時間不會過長,兩種材料皆有當作GC偵測器的潛力。SiO2@AuNPs光纖毛細管偵測器對於常見的VOCs皆有良好的靈敏度,尤其對於極性較高之化合物偵測感度更佳。分析物極性不同,SiO2@AuNPs毛細管偵測器對其吸附作用力亦不相同,因此每個化合物都有不同的偵測下限(LOD),範圍介於2.56-274.4 ng,雖然對極性化合物有良好的偵測下限,但在再現性測試的實驗中發現回收率及再現性表現不如預期。為了使光纖毛細管偵測器能夠應用於微小化GC系統,使用放光範圍落在奈米複合材料LSPR範圍的LED作為光源並以光電二極體擷取訊號。在LED光徑上放置光束斷續器改善雜散光的干擾,搭配LIA以增強光電二極體的訊號,C12-AuNPs@poly(GMA-EDMA)光纖毛細管偵測器在此實驗裝置下有更好的偵測表現,最低的偵測下限為4.2 ng (左旋檸烯),本研究成功開發具低功率、高表現性等優點的微小化GC偵測器。
The fiber-optic capillary (FOCap) detector was developed as gas chromatography (GC) detector for voltaic organic compounds (VOCs) using the nanocomposite materials localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) intensity variance. These nanocomposites coated FOCap detector was designed to integrate micro GC system by using low power selected wavelength LED and photodiode amplified by a lock-in amplifier (LIA). Two nanocomposites materials (mesoporous silica coated gold nanoparticles (SiO2@AuNPs) and thiolate protected gold nanocomposited porous polymer (C12-AuNPs@poly(GMA-EDMA)) were selected to be immobilized on the FOCap as sensing materials. The LSPR intensity was enhanced by eluting VOCs for both nano materials. With CCD measurements, the light intensity in the LSPR range can be used as GC signals for VOCs eluents measurement. The SiO2@AuNPs coated FOCap detector has been demonstrated high sensitivity for common VOCs detection, especially for polar targets. The limits of detection (LOD) were range from 2.56 to 274.4 ng because of different volatility and affinity between target VOCs and SiO2@AuNPs. The SiO2@AuNPs coated FOCap detector was effected by polar target compounds in signal recovery and performance. For future integration in a micro GC system, the light intensity over LSPR range was evaluated by a photodiode with wavelength selected LED as light source and a LIA. The emitting range range of LED was laid in the LSPR range. The photodiode signals were amplified by a LIA and LED was modulated by an optical chopper. A thiolate protected gold nanocomposites porous polymer coated FOCap detector was obtained by a LIA system and the performance of FOCap detector was improved. The best LOD can be down to 4.2 ng ((R)-(+)-limonene). With low power consumption and good performance, the nanocomposites coated FOCap detector can be used as micro GC detector.
The fiber-optic capillary (FOCap) detector was developed as gas chromatography (GC) detector for voltaic organic compounds (VOCs) using the nanocomposite materials localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) intensity variance. These nanocomposites coated FOCap detector was designed to integrate micro GC system by using low power selected wavelength LED and photodiode amplified by a lock-in amplifier (LIA). Two nanocomposites materials (mesoporous silica coated gold nanoparticles (SiO2@AuNPs) and thiolate protected gold nanocomposited porous polymer (C12-AuNPs@poly(GMA-EDMA)) were selected to be immobilized on the FOCap as sensing materials. The LSPR intensity was enhanced by eluting VOCs for both nano materials. With CCD measurements, the light intensity in the LSPR range can be used as GC signals for VOCs eluents measurement. The SiO2@AuNPs coated FOCap detector has been demonstrated high sensitivity for common VOCs detection, especially for polar targets. The limits of detection (LOD) were range from 2.56 to 274.4 ng because of different volatility and affinity between target VOCs and SiO2@AuNPs. The SiO2@AuNPs coated FOCap detector was effected by polar target compounds in signal recovery and performance. For future integration in a micro GC system, the light intensity over LSPR range was evaluated by a photodiode with wavelength selected LED as light source and a LIA. The emitting range range of LED was laid in the LSPR range. The photodiode signals were amplified by a LIA and LED was modulated by an optical chopper. A thiolate protected gold nanocomposites porous polymer coated FOCap detector was obtained by a LIA system and the performance of FOCap detector was improved. The best LOD can be down to 4.2 ng ((R)-(+)-limonene). With low power consumption and good performance, the nanocomposites coated FOCap detector can be used as micro GC detector.
有機揮發性化合物, 奈米複合材料, 二氧化矽, 局部表面電漿共振, 光纖毛細管, 鎖相放大器, voltaic organic compounds, nanocomposites, SiO2, localized surface plasmon resonance, fiber-optic capillary, lock-in amplifier