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本研究旨在探討高職學生行為困擾問題與因應策略。首先探討高職學生主要的行為困擾問題,再探究高職學生面臨各類行為困擾問題時之因應策略,最後歸納調查研究結果,提出可行建議,以作為高職學生輔導工作之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法。首先以文獻分析的方式探討與本研究有關之 理論與相關研究,以作為本研究之理論基礎。而問卷調查法則用以蒐集實徵資料,所用的研究工具為自編之「行為困擾問題量表」及「因應策略量表」。本研究以台灣地區公私立高職之日間一、二、三年級男女學生為研究對象,以立意取樣來抽取學校,總計全國抽樣學校共64所,包含七類科(工科、商科、農科、家事、海事、護校、藝校),總計取得有效樣本1433份。本研究的資料處理採用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費法以及Kendall和諧係數等統計方法處理,並逐一討論各項研究結果。 本研究所獲致之發現,臚陳如下: 壹、高職學生整體行為困擾情形接近中等程度。 貳、目前高職學生深感困擾的問題有「前途展望」、「自我認同」及「學校課業」,且以「前途展望困擾」最嚴重。 參、不同背景變項之高職學生所面臨的行為困擾問題有顯著差異。 一、高職男學生在「學校課業」、「同儕相處」、「家庭關係」、「感情問題」及「經濟問題」等五類的困擾程度大於女學生。 二、高職一年級學生在「家庭關係」的困擾程度大於二年級。 三、私立高職學生在「經濟問題」的困擾程度大於公立高職學生。 四、因為分數因素入學的高職學生面臨之行為困擾問題顯著較多,尤其是「前途展望困擾」。 肆、高職學生面臨各類行為困擾問題時,所採取之因應策略,其順序等級均是以「自己面對解決」為最優先的順位,第二順位為「尋求支持」,第三順位為「從事調劑類的活動」,第四順位為「情緒發洩」,最後順位為「逃避不管」。 伍、不同背景變項之高職學生面臨「家庭關係」及「前途展望」此兩類行為困擾問題時,採取「尋求支持」的因應策略之順位,有所差異。 一、高職女學生、高職一年級學生及基於自己興趣入學的高職學生面臨「家庭關係」困擾問題時,採取「尋求支持」的因應策略之順位大多延後至第四順位。 二、因為其他因素入學的高職學生在面臨「家庭關係」困擾問題時,採取「尋求支持」的因應策略之順位大多延後至第五順位。 三、高職女學生、高職一年級學生、公立高職學生、因為家人意見以及因為其他因素入學的高職學生,面臨「前途展望」困擾問題時,採取「尋求支持」的因應策略之順位大多提前至第一順位。 陸、高職女學生面臨「感情困擾問題」時,採取「情緒發洩」的因應策略之順位大多提前至第二順位。 根據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議: 壹、在學校教育方面 一、增強高職學生的自我認同 二、健全學校的輔導機制 三、增強技能檢定之訓練 四、加強建教合作 五、培養學生解決問題的能力 貳、在親職教育方面 一、提供子女和諧、溫暖的成長環境 二、給予孩子適度的管教與期望 三、父母本身應多充實親職教育知能 四、減少子女的物質慾望 五、加強培養子女「責任感」之觀念 參、在未來的研究方面 一、兼顧質與量之研究方法 二、研究編製問卷之過程 三、增加高職學生背景部分的相關研究變項
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the behavioral disturbance problems and the coping strategies of vocational high school students. To achieve this purpose, this study adopted the questionnaire survey method. The information about the behavioral disturbance problems and the coping strategies of vocational high school students was collected from literature analysis firstly. The instruments used in this study included “Behavioral Disturbance Problems Scale” and “Coping Strategies Scale”. The objects of this research were 64 vocational high schools. Effective questionnaires collected totaled 1433. The data have been proceeded for statistical analysis under the software SPSS for windows 8.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe method, Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The behavioral disturbance problems of vocational high school students are close to middle degree. 2. Vocational high school students have more behavioral disturbance problems in “future development”, “self-identity”, and “school work”. And the “future development” problem is most serious. 3. There are significant differences in behavioral disturbance problems of vocational high school students with different background variables. (1) Vocational high school boys have more problems than girls, especially in “school work disturbance” , “peer relationship disturbance” , “family life disturbance” , “love disturbance” and “economic disturbance”. (2) The first grade students of vocational high school have more problems than the second grade students, especially in “family life disturbance”. (3) Private vocational high school students have more problems than public school students, especially in “economic disturbance”. (4) The vocational high school students who admitted school because of grades have more problems than others, especially in “future development” problem. 4. The coping strategies which vocational high school students adopted are classified, in order of priority, into the five categories:“solving by themselves”, “seeking for support”, “taking recreational activities”, “emotional discharge”, and “avoidance”. 5. There are significant differences in the “seeking for support” strategy used in the “family life” and “future development” problems by vocational high school students with different background variables. Based on above findings, this study provided some suggestions for vocational high school educators, school administration, parents, and future research.



高職學生, 行為困擾問題, 因應策略, Vocational High School Students, Behavioral Disturbance Problems, Coping Strategies





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