設計自我效能、設計興趣和STEM 學習表現之相關分析:以時尚設計為例
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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
近年來,科學、科技、工程與數學(STEM)教育在世界各地擴展,其學習重點主要分為四個方面,不同教育領域透過不同活動與課程設計推動STEM 科際整合教育,然而,鮮少看到STEM 教育理念被時尚設計領域採用。本研究基於興趣動機理論,考察了設計自我效能感,設計興趣和學習效果之間的相關性。本研究參與者來自臺灣南部地區某科技大學時尚設計系的197 位大學生。在四週共計8 小時內(即2 小時/週),透過教學的引導,參與者自主學習有關時尚設計領域的STEM 知識,並將STEM 概念應用至袋包設計實務中;研究者採用VirtualPLS 統計軟體驗證研究模型。研究結果顯示,設計自我效能感知較高的參與者具有較高的設計興趣(喜歡、享受和投入),且設計興趣感受較高的學生在學習STEM 方面呈現更好的表現。此外,設計自我效能感對STEM 學習表現呈現間接正向影響,亦即參與者的設計自我效能感愈高,將學習到愈高水平的STEM知識。
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is increasinglyimportant. Its importance can be separated into four dimensions. In design education, especiallyfashion design, STEM education is rare. In accordance with interest theory, this study examined thecorrelation between design self-efficacy, design interest, and learning effectiveness. An experimentwas conducted in a department of fashion design at a technology college in Taiwan. Over four weeks,participants spent two hours weekly learning STEM topics related to fashion design and how toapply them in design practice. Data from questionnaire responses of 197 participants were used totest our research model. Results indicate that participants with higher design self-efficacy hadstronger design interest (e.g., enjoyment and engagement). Moreover, better STEM learning wascorrelated with stronger design interest. In addition, design self-efficacy was positively correlatedwith STEM knowledge and it is mediated by design interests. Therefore, this study suggests thatamong students, learning STEM subjects increases design self-efficacy.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is increasinglyimportant. Its importance can be separated into four dimensions. In design education, especiallyfashion design, STEM education is rare. In accordance with interest theory, this study examined thecorrelation between design self-efficacy, design interest, and learning effectiveness. An experimentwas conducted in a department of fashion design at a technology college in Taiwan. Over four weeks,participants spent two hours weekly learning STEM topics related to fashion design and how toapply them in design practice. Data from questionnaire responses of 197 participants were used totest our research model. Results indicate that participants with higher design self-efficacy hadstronger design interest (e.g., enjoyment and engagement). Moreover, better STEM learning wascorrelated with stronger design interest. In addition, design self-efficacy was positively correlatedwith STEM knowledge and it is mediated by design interests. Therefore, this study suggests thatamong students, learning STEM subjects increases design self-efficacy.