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This thesis examines the meaningful aspects that make teaching a worthwhile pursuit for teachers from the perspective of their self-cultivation. Based on Foucault's works on ethical parrhesia, I first argue that ethical parrhesia can serve as a practice of the self for teachers. This suggests that teachers can employ ethical parrhesia to pursue a life of well-being that embodies truth. Additionally, I address challenges to the argument that teaching is a practice of the self in the thesis. Furthermore, I elaborate on the ethical parrhesia relationship between teachers and students, emphasizing that this relationship aims at mutual ethical subjectivation.Such ethical subjectivation enables teachers to develop virtues within their teaching life, going beyond the mere refinement of professional skills. Lastly, I emphasize that engaging in ethical parrhesia allows teachers to cultivate critical attitudes in themselves and their students. For teachers committed to ethical parrhesia, the choice of a teaching life becomes a means to cultivate a critical mindset, enabling them to wield power with minimal dominance and to freely explore what they could be.
This thesis examines the meaningful aspects that make teaching a worthwhile pursuit for teachers from the perspective of their self-cultivation. Based on Foucault's works on ethical parrhesia, I first argue that ethical parrhesia can serve as a practice of the self for teachers. This suggests that teachers can employ ethical parrhesia to pursue a life of well-being that embodies truth. Additionally, I address challenges to the argument that teaching is a practice of the self in the thesis. Furthermore, I elaborate on the ethical parrhesia relationship between teachers and students, emphasizing that this relationship aims at mutual ethical subjectivation.Such ethical subjectivation enables teachers to develop virtues within their teaching life, going beyond the mere refinement of professional skills. Lastly, I emphasize that engaging in ethical parrhesia allows teachers to cultivate critical attitudes in themselves and their students. For teachers committed to ethical parrhesia, the choice of a teaching life becomes a means to cultivate a critical mindset, enabling them to wield power with minimal dominance and to freely explore what they could be.
傅柯, 直言, 教師動機, 存在美學, 批判, Foucault, parrhesia, truth-telling, teacher motivation, aesthetics of existence, critique