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Li-Jen Weng
Keng-Lin Lee
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Holland 的環狀結構強調興趣六型的固定順序關係,而Gati 認為在Holland模式之上應具有興趣階層模式。木研究主要探索台灣高中生的興趣測驗資料,能否同時具有Holland 的環狀結構與Gati 的階層模式,且找出階層模式分群方式。研究中隨機抽樣受測大學入學考試中心興趣量表(簡稱CEEC 興趣量表)的10626 名高中生,分為:隨機樣木。以第一樣本進行第一階段進行因素分析,發現量表因素結構符合Holland 六個類型。以第二樣本的興趣分數進行第二階段因素分析,顯示測驗分數具有Gati 的興趣階層模式,存在二因素與三因素模式,三因素模式與Gati 的三群組RI,AS 與EC 分群方式相同。群集分析、多向度量尺法與隨機化考驗分析則發現第二階層模式呈現間, ASEC 兩群組或Gati 的三群組。最後參考興趣組別與科系組別命中率的研究結果,顯示RI 興趣組別的命中率較高,但AS, EC 興趣組別作為輔導分類指標不如ASEC興趣組別。再分析問卷了解輔導教師的認知結構中,亦隱含與統計結果相近的興趣結構。本研究結果應可以支持台灣高中生在CEEC 興趣量表分數上,清楚呈現Holland 與Gati 之理論,二階層中分為RI 與ASEC 兩群組或肘,AS, EC 三群組,在實務應用上,兩群組較為合適。
The present study employed the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) Interest Inventory to examine the structure of vocational interests among high school students in Taiwan. Holland's simple circular and calculus hypotheses as well as Gati's hierarchical model and two-group partition model were tested. Data from 10,626 Taiwanese high school students were randomly divided into two samples, (Sample A and Sample B). Factor analysis on sample A revealed a six-factor structure consistent with the RIASEC types. Sample B was used to vigorously test Holland's hypotheses and Gati's models. Holland's simple circular hypothesis and the calculus hypothesis were supported by multidimensional scaling and randomization test, respectively. Gati's hierarchical model was supported by factor analysis and hierarchical clustering on six interest type scores.Also, Gait's three-group partition model (RI, AS, EC)的well as a two-group partition model (Ri, ASEC) were found by factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, hierarchical clustering, and randomization test. Research findings reported by Ou(2011) were used to examine the practical usefulness of the pa此ition models. It was suggested that the two-group partition model might be more useful for career counseling among high school students in Taiwan than the three-group partition model.A survey suggested that the structure of the vocational interests perceived by high school counselors were similar to those found in the analyses, supporting Holland's hypotheses and Gati's models.
The present study employed the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) Interest Inventory to examine the structure of vocational interests among high school students in Taiwan. Holland's simple circular and calculus hypotheses as well as Gati's hierarchical model and two-group partition model were tested. Data from 10,626 Taiwanese high school students were randomly divided into two samples, (Sample A and Sample B). Factor analysis on sample A revealed a six-factor structure consistent with the RIASEC types. Sample B was used to vigorously test Holland's hypotheses and Gati's models. Holland's simple circular hypothesis and the calculus hypothesis were supported by multidimensional scaling and randomization test, respectively. Gati's hierarchical model was supported by factor analysis and hierarchical clustering on six interest type scores.Also, Gait's three-group partition model (RI, AS, EC)的well as a two-group partition model (Ri, ASEC) were found by factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, hierarchical clustering, and randomization test. Research findings reported by Ou(2011) were used to examine the practical usefulness of the pa此ition models. It was suggested that the two-group partition model might be more useful for career counseling among high school students in Taiwan than the three-group partition model.A survey suggested that the structure of the vocational interests perceived by high school counselors were similar to those found in the analyses, supporting Holland's hypotheses and Gati's models.