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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education


本研究旨在發展一套學校基本職業能力評估工具,以了解智能障礙學生的基本職業能力,作為調整課程內容與教學策略之參考依據。研究者依循一般編製心理測驗的原則編製工作樣本,包括修訂工作樣本初稿、進行工作樣本預試、進行專家審查與修訂,以及正式施測建立工具信效度等階段。本研究以「高職階段智能障礙學生職能評估向度與項目」為基礎,逐步發展具實用性、價格低、施測工具容易取得及施測,且以就業能力為基礎、學習與訓練為導向、工作樣本設計為主,並適用於智能障礙學生的「修訂版學校基本職業能力工作樣本」,共包括商品準備、秤重包裝、餐飲服務、信件處理、包裝餅乾、負重上架、公文處理、拼圖高手、製作苔球、商品高手與精打細算等11 組工作樣本,各含有三至四個分測驗。本工具除初步獲得內容效度外,並以臺北市、新北市72 名高職階段智能障礙學生為樣本考驗其信效度,結果發現大致具良好的建構效度、評分者間信度、再測信度與內部一致性信度。本研究結論如下:一、學校基本職業能力評估工具以「高職階段智障學生職能評估向度與項目」為基礎,具信效度;二、學校基本職業能力評估工具價格低、易取得與施測,以就業為導向,適用於學校與智能障礙學生,具高度實用性。最後,本研究根據研究結果與結論,針對職能評估等相關議題提出未來實務及研究上的建議。
Purpose: Vocational high school is the final educational stage for students with intellectual disabilities. Ensuring that such students gain and maintain employability skills during school is the principal objective of special education. The assessments are a prerequisite for teaching and curriculum planning. Schools should use vocational assessments in accordance with regulations and practical needs in order to understand the initial behavior of students with disabilities and the strengths and weaknesses of their basic vocational abilities, which can serve as a reference for adjusting course content and teaching strategies. The purpose of this study was to develop a set of basic vocational ability assessment tools for measuring the basic vocational ability of students with intellectual disabilities, which can provide a reference for adjusting curriculum content and teaching strategies. Methods: The researchers followed the general principles of the development of psychological tests to develop the working samples, including revising the preliminary draft work sample, executing a work sample pilot test, incorporating expert review and revision, and formally establishing the tool’s validity and reliability. Results/Findings: Modified School Basic Vocational Ability Work Samples, based on Dimensions and Items of Vocational Evaluations for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High School, a practical, low-cost, and easily accessible and executable tool was developed. A total of 11 work samples were used, each of which contained 3–4 subtests based on employability, was learning- and training-oriented, and was suitable for students with intellectual disabilities. Work sample evaluation was used, and the work samples were as follows: preparing, weighing, and packing goods; providing catering services; processing mail; packing cookies; loading goods onto shelves; processing official documents; puzzle activities, designing moss balls; inspecting goods; and






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