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本研究旨在探討青少年繪製立體幾何圖形之表徵類型及其相關因素,以作為我國繪圖教學之精進與推展用。研究者選取小六、國二、高一計495名學生(131、154、210),分別在想像情境與實體情境下,繪製正立方體、正四面體、正八面體與正十二面體。之後,以自編歸類表及評量參考表,由兩位資深美術教師進行評分,並以雙因子重複量數變異數分析,探討不同年段、性別及情境下,繪製各立體幾何圖形所得成績之差異情形。研究者同時以通用性向測驗與動作修正測驗取得學生空間關係、工具辨認、圖形配對及手眼協調成績,並蒐集學生數學與國文學業成績,分別以單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析,探討其與繪圖表現之關係。整體研究所得結論如下:(1)小六到國二繪圖表現持續成長,國二到高一則呈現穩定狀態;(2)女生繪製各種立體幾何圖形之表現均顯著高於男生;(3)繪圖成績由高而低依序為正立方體、正四面體、正八面體與正十二面體,其中正十二面體畫看不見的畫虛線屬於困難作業;(4)繪圖表現以手眼協調、空間關係、畫常見角度及圖形配對較具預測力;(5)繪圖表現高分組,在學科表現上顯著優於低分組。研究結果支持Lowenfeld (1947)等主張青少年進入決定期後,繪圖表現停滯之現象,據此,研究者對於當前繪圖相關學科之教學,與我國繪圖教育之推展,以及後續研究方向與方法提出具體建議。
This study aimed to investigate the representative types of solid geometric figure drawings by teenagers of 6th, 8th and 10th graders and the factors correlated. There were 131 6th, 154 8th and 210 10th graders asked to draw cubes, regular tetrahedrons, regular octahedrons, and regular dodecahedrons in two circumstances. In the first circumstance, the subjects were given verbal instructions and a real model was shown for 5 seconds at the beginning of each test session. In the second circumstance, the model was provided in front of the subjects during the whole session. The subjects' drawings were graded and classified into different types. The grades were then analyzed against the subjects’ grades in Math, Chinese, the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) and the Motor Accuracy-Revised tests. Results reveal that the error rate of 6th graders is significantly higher and their grades are significantly lower than those of 8th and 10th graders. It shows that performances of students beyond 8th grade are stable. The results support Lowenfeld’s theory that after reaching the period of decision/crisis the drawing ability of adolescents ceases to develop naturally. The more complicated a solid geometric figure is, the higher the error rate is and the lower the grades are. Besides, grades of female subjects are significantly higher than those of male subjects. Furthermore, the subjects’ performances were improved in the second circumstance under which more cues were given. It is also found that drawing ability is correlated significantly with abilities in spatial relations, picture matching, instrument recognition, hand-eye coordination, angle drawing, vertical and horizontal lines drawing, and grades in Math and Chinese. Hand-eye coordination, spatial relations, angle drawing, and picture matching are argued to be better predictors for drawing ability.
This study aimed to investigate the representative types of solid geometric figure drawings by teenagers of 6th, 8th and 10th graders and the factors correlated. There were 131 6th, 154 8th and 210 10th graders asked to draw cubes, regular tetrahedrons, regular octahedrons, and regular dodecahedrons in two circumstances. In the first circumstance, the subjects were given verbal instructions and a real model was shown for 5 seconds at the beginning of each test session. In the second circumstance, the model was provided in front of the subjects during the whole session. The subjects' drawings were graded and classified into different types. The grades were then analyzed against the subjects’ grades in Math, Chinese, the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) and the Motor Accuracy-Revised tests. Results reveal that the error rate of 6th graders is significantly higher and their grades are significantly lower than those of 8th and 10th graders. It shows that performances of students beyond 8th grade are stable. The results support Lowenfeld’s theory that after reaching the period of decision/crisis the drawing ability of adolescents ceases to develop naturally. The more complicated a solid geometric figure is, the higher the error rate is and the lower the grades are. Besides, grades of female subjects are significantly higher than those of male subjects. Furthermore, the subjects’ performances were improved in the second circumstance under which more cues were given. It is also found that drawing ability is correlated significantly with abilities in spatial relations, picture matching, instrument recognition, hand-eye coordination, angle drawing, vertical and horizontal lines drawing, and grades in Math and Chinese. Hand-eye coordination, spatial relations, angle drawing, and picture matching are argued to be better predictors for drawing ability.
青少年, 繪圖, 立體幾何, 表徵類型, 空間能力, teenagers, drawing, solid geometry, representative type, spatial ability